amelia: five months old.

congratulate me! i'm writing this before amelia has hit five and a half months! exciting things. good things. forward progress. (except minus two points because i forgot to use the five month sticker...good thing my darling friend megan made us these cute month by month onesies!)

sometimes i wonder how it's possible for me to love a living thing more and more as time goes on. every week and month that goes by, the more fun i have with my daughter. her personality continues to grow and shine through her with each day that passes, and based on what i can see so far, her and i are going to get along just fine than you very much!she really seems to like me lately. when i get home from work and say hi, i get immediate hysterical laughter. she doesn't really do that for anyone else, and so i'm choosing to believe that this means she thinks i'm hilarious, not that my face makes her laugh. i live for those giggles at the end of a long work day. and to know that my little love is starting to like me for more than just the fact that i'm her milk machine...well that's something that will never get old!she still doesn't have any teeth, so we are still fighting that beast called bedtime...but who can fall asleep with a sore mouth?? i just feel bad for the girl! she's sitting up all the time now, although still refuses to roll. Mister Man and i are just waiting for the day she pulls herself on something and our lives as we know it end. and don't get me started on how excited we are to start her on solids soon...she's going to love it.dearest missy moo, every day with you is an adventure, and your dad and i couldn't be happier or more proud to be your parents. we can't wait to keep having dance parties with you, and love you forever!

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baby stuff: breastfeeding and working.


five things.