date nights and other musings.

mister man and i had our first date night away from the baby last night. it was amazing. and not "amazing but i missed my baby so much" amazing, it was "amazing and i wish i could have had a second cocktail" amazing. we ate a delicious dinner, i drank a pumpkin manhattan, and we talked about grown up things unrelated to our child's bodily functions.what is it about date nights that feel so special once you have a baby? is it the feeling of playing hooky from parenthood? is it that you can put on your fancy clothes and remember what it feels like to just be yourselves again? is it just the ability to order a strong cocktail and drink it all without being interrupted? i guess it doesn't really matter, because at the end of the day, it's magic in some form or another.


our daughter has all of a sudden turned into a happy, smiling, lovable ball of joy. not that i didn't think that she was the most precious peach in the whole before now, it's just that she was...less than happy, let's say (i have more to say about that soon). now, well, now she wakes up with a smile and a giggle for me, and we spend the day chatting together in a baby language only we understand. we talk about things like daily plans and where we should take a walk and how to solve the national debt crisis. she's got some good ideas that girl. she is also laying down some mad flirting game for any male she sees...we're going to be in trouble someday.she also is doing this all of a sudden, which means that tomorrow she'll be eating solids and in a week she'll be off to college:


it's a weird thing to answer the question, "what have you been up to?" when you're on maternity leave. the answer is complicated. i'm doing everything and nothing at the same time. i'm watching lots of crappy tv and also keeping my child alive. the shorter/more socially acceptable answer is "oh just hanging around the house, getting out when we can, not a whole lot of anything really." but what i really want to say is "i've been teaching my little girl how to exist in our world, it's exhausting and awesome and i want to talk about it all the time!"


in case you haven't noticed, it's decorative gourd season mofos (points for anyone who gets that reference). normally i would be crafting something like a seasonally appropriate garland, or making plans for some festive activities. this year, since it's a feat to manage to get dressed every day, i'm feeling a little lackluster in the fall spirit, and since i'm as basic as you can get (give me all the hot cider/crunching leaves/pumpkin spice lattes/boots&jeans/etc.) this has pained me. so i set a goal for myself last week to do one fun fall thing, and i think i managed TWO(!). you shall see for yourself in the coming week. any guesses what they were? hint: think super stereotypical fall things.

and with that, i end these musings for today. thank you for getting inside my head with me. i'd love to hear the random thoughts bouncing around your heads if you would be so kind as to entertain me with them!

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sometimes a girl needs a new dress.


eyebrows are my thing now.