and then there were four.

we are so excited to announce that Mister Man, Amelia and i will be adding a new member to our family in october of this year!


we may be biased, but we do think she's going to make the coolest sister ever.

so maybe my hiatus and my severe exhaustion weren't just from the whole solo parenting gig. maybe they were also a product of this whole being pregnant gig. does this surprise anyone? everyone? no-one?

the last couple months have been mostly a blur. we found out we were expecting the day before Mister Man left for his training, and when he gets back tomorrow night, i'll be one day shy of being officially out of the first trimester. you want to know how to make the first 14 weeks of a pregnancy fly by? do them mostly by yourself while chasing a toddler. you won't remember a thing, even how crappy you feel.

even with all the blurriness and nausea and exhaustion, we know that God's timing is best, and feel so blessed that we are being given the privilege of bringing another life into this world. we know that's not always how life works, and we say a prayer of thanks every day for this opportunity.

until the next time i have the energy to write, here's to baby z., the 2016 edition!

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these days with baby zee.


did i mention that i'm tired?