naps cure everything, even when they're not yours.

you guys. yesterday was such a weird, weird day. it was the epitome of everything a monday is, but you wish it wasn't. i haven't had one of those days in so long, so this was really just a kick in the pants. not in a good noon, the following had happened:

  • i changed a very poopy diaper.
  • i fought with a toddler over whether or not she would eat her own cereal or her dad's.
  • i succumbed to turning on barney at 8:30am.
  • i tipped a garbage can full of coffee grounds and coupons behind the radiator while vacuuming.
  • i dropped a cork into the coffee maker's water well (don't ask).
  • i dragged a cranky toddler to the grocery store (where she behaved like an angel somehow).

BY NOON.but you know what? if there's one thing that i've learned from being a mom, it's that everything is temporary. and sometimes it's so temporary that when you put your toddler down for a nap, everything gets better. you get all the chores done during the nap, you get a little workout from said chores, and you get a chance to sit down and eat lunch by yourself. then when your toddler wakes up 2.5 hours later, she's magically cured of all crankiness and you have a dance party in the kitchen while waiting for daddy to come home.i've experienced this so many times, but some days it's just more apparent than others; naps cure everything, even when they're not yours. but also if they're yours, that's pretty great too. naptime(and if anyone was wondering, today was so much better. especially since it ended with popcorn, fancy blood orange soda and catching up on the bachelorette.)

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