these days with baby zee.

happy friday before a long holiday weekend! aren't these the best kinds of fridays? i really think they have to be. also, happy first day of july! did you hear me? JULY. what the actual.i'm writing this in the car on the way to a cabin for the weekend. Amelia just upchucked a little (update: she upchucked twice within the first hour of the drive) so we made a nice little gas station pitstop and now she's riding in a front-facing car seat for the first time ever. it was very unceremonious. and with that fun piece of info, please to enjoy my latest belly photo and fun, necessary facts about this pregnancy. have a fabulous 4th of july everyone! how far along: 24 weeks. (i’m on the every month update plan for now but will get more frequent after 32 weeks.)i’m feeling: honestly pretty great.i have some round ligament pain (for those of you who are like, wtf is that, it basically means the muscles around your pelvis are stretching and it feels like you've been kicked in the crotch by someone for a while...every day), but still have great energy and i even golfed 9 holes walking last night!  total weight gain: 14 pounds. like i said last update, i was at about 12 pounds gained at 24 weeks. so i'm not too far ahead of where i was last time anymore. i've definitely been feeling more full these days so that might have something to do with it. baby zee’s size: this week, baby is the size of an ear of corn. which is very appropriate for 4th of july weekend! this week: i had my 1-hour glucose test...and failed. it's like the worst dejavu ever. i failed my 1-hour last time too and had to take the 3-hour test and i swear to you, it was more unpleasant than giving birth. so i'm a little salty about the whole thing. i'm pretty confident that i do not have gestational diabetes so it's that much more annoying. maternity clothes: i broke down and grabbed a few dresses during a huge old navy sale and it was so worth it. i spent $75 on four dresses and found the holy grail of maternity dresses in the process. take note: old navy maternity is the best, bar none. sleep: still pretty okay. the round ligament pain gets worse when i'm laying down, so that's no fun, but once i'm asleep, all is well. best moment this week: not my appointment...probably watching Amelia play with her baby doll and feeling really awesome about how she's going to do with another sibling around the house. movement: slowly getting stronger and more frequent. baby zee seems to be a jumper or a boxer. lots of jabs this time around. food cravings: malts. why? it's so weird. food aversions: i get full after about 8 bites of anything so that's not cool.  belly button in or out: it's basically flat now. looking forward to: spending the weekend with the family at the cabin...we might try to get out once more before october but either way i want to enjoy this time together before we grow by a person. elsewhere with love: bloglovin’ || facebook || twitter || instagram


summer and ice cream treats; the way to my pregnant heart.


gluten-free pumpkin muffins.