these days with baby zee.

i'll never take for granted reaching the milestone of 40 weeks. i know that there are so many women who would give anything to carry a baby at all, let alone for this long. it is a gift to be a vessel for these souls, and i will be thankful for that gift for as long as i, that's not to say that i don't want to meet my baby soon. i cannot wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl, and i cannot wait to see what this little one's personality will be once it's here. i know that he or she will come out at just the right time, i just need to be patient while i wait. easier said than done, but i can do it!40 weeks with baby zee40-and-40

[40 weeks with Amelia on the left. 40 weeks with baby zee on the right.]

how far along: 40 weeks. gone is my due date (by 4 days). all that's left is the waiting.i’m feeling: so pregnant. so very pregnant. so ready to meet the baby. also very heavy.update on stubborn baby’s position: baby is still head down. i'm still supposed to go to the hospital during early labor to make sure everything has stayed in place, but we're past the worried phase for weight gain: i'm at 34 pounds total weight gain. over my prediction of 30 pounds, but i have been retaining a LOT more water this pregnancy than i did last time, so i think that might be the main culprit. i've also had much more of an appetite, but that is due to me being more active this pregnancy (with chasing after little miss) than last time, so that might be a wash. baby zee’s size: baby is the size of a small pumpkin, about 7.5 pounds and 21 inches long. i'm about to push a pumpkin out of my hoohah people. again.this week: we have everything we need for the baby, so we have just been planning what we can, and relaxing where we can, and being extra gentle with miss Amelia where we can.maternity clothes: same dress and leggings almost everyday. because my brain hurts from trying to think of outfits that fit me.sleep: oh sleep. i'm looking forward to seeing you again in about 6-9 moment this week: my due date arriving i suppose.movement: still wiggling around in there, but being the size of a pumpkin, there is not a lot of room anymore. also having a lot of braxton-hicks that are getting stronger. i even had about two hours of false labor the other night, and the only reason i knew it was false was because the contractions stayed in the cravings: not really anything special. by the time i make anything, i'm too tired to care what it aversions: getting a little less hungry these days because i've run out of room.belly button in or out: yep it's out. or nonexistent. whichever freaks you out less.looking forward to: giving birth. is that weird that i look forward to that?

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william joseph.


due date eve.