bernadette: eleven months old.

i'm about to do the most embarrassing thing ever. i'm about to post my daughter's 11 and 12-month old updates. one month before she turns two.


i mean, i'm sure there are more embarrassing things, but this has to be pretty high up there. many of you are probably thinking, "why bother?" and i have to be honest, i'm kind of asking myself the same question. i think it has to do with the whole fairness thing that parents of multiple kids are always trying to balance. only my first child had one-year photos taken. pretty sure the other two have been on the losing end of the first birthday situation as well. however, William has all 12 months worth of updates, so it seems like at bare minimum i should give Bernadette the same. you know what's extra sad? this photo was already made, i just never used it. that's how nuts last year got. little did i know how insane this year was going to be. oh 2019 erin, how naive and innocent you were.


let me tell you what. eleven month old Bernadette was a joy. she still is. in fact, she still likes all of the things she did at eleven months, she can just run faster now. eleven month Bernadette was an honest to goodness ray of sunshine. i got to spend so much one on one time with her because her brother and sister were both at preschool three mornings a week. we would go to the grocery store together every monday after school dropoff, and i would let her eat a banana and a cookie (because third baby has no rules), and it was the most fun anyone has ever had grocery shopping.


Bernadette loves accessorizing, which we all think is hilarious. give this girl glasses or a hat and she is at her happiest. i’m thinking it’s having older siblings, because neither of the other two were like this. but this girl just wants to be like all the people she likes, and if it takes some accessorizing, then she’s going to do it.


miss Bernadette: we aren’t sure what we did to get so lucky to have such a happy, loving, sweet baby, but we’re very happy we did it. thank you so much for adding so much joy to our lives, although maybe you could just pretend to like me as much as you like your siblings and your dad? just a tiny bit?

elsewhere with love:

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bernadette: twelve months old.


bernadette: ten months old.