five things.

i don't ever (and i do mean EVER) do tag posts, because my mind just doesn't work well that way. i like to be able to wander aimlessly from thought to thought when i'm writing, and hope that it all can be shaped together into a tolerably coherent piece that some of you might enjoy reading.but...i saw this on natalie's blog the other day (and then on sydney's) (and then right as i was about to schedule this post, on mish's), and i actually like this idea! sharing five random pieces of information with you all, isn't it vaguely reminiscent of summer camp? or what we thought the purpose of email was in the 90s?sidebar: you guys know that icebreaker "two truths and a lie", right? of course you do. i have played that icebreaker more times during my four years of working than i ever did at any summer camp. because that makes perfect sense. i've run out of lies that my co-workers don't already know!erinnow. in the spirit of today being the first day of march, here are five things you never needed to know about me.| 1 | i don't have my appendix or my wisdom teeth. the appendix i had taken out in an emergency appendectomy when i was...4? 5? all i remember about it is that i had to stay in the hospital for three days, and got to watch tons of disney movies, and one of my uncles or aunts bought me a princess jasmine barbie. the wisdom teeth i've never had. i was apparently born without any, which is something that happens pretty often i guess. so i have no cool stories about the weird stuff i said after coming out of surgery on happy gas.| 2 | i have a touch of OCD only when it comes to how i eat skittles. first, i dump a handful from the bag into my hand. then, i sort them into mini groups by color. not that weird yet. but next, i have to make sure that i have the same amount of each color, like a least common denominator situation. so if i have 5 yellows, 5 oranges, 3 reds, 3 greens and 2 purples, i need to eat enough of the other colors until they all have 2 left. and i have to do this in order of my least favorite to favorite flavor. green, orange, yellow, purple, red. once there is the same amount of all the colors, i throw one group at a time into my mouth until they're gone.and now you know the depth of my weirdness.| 3 | one of my favorite things in the world is to organize tupperware cupboards. this isn't really an OCD thing, because i don't feel like i HAVE to do it, but it's just a very soothing activity for me. i like to stack all the matching sizes and covers together, and seeing everything fit where it's supposed to makes me so happy! in fact, every time Mister Man has moved since we've ben together, he has saved the job of unpacking and organizing his tupperware cupboard for me to do. because he gets me.| 4 | when i was little, i used to drink pickle juice. like, i would take the pickle jar out of the fridge and pour the pickle juice into a glass and drink it. i even had a babysitter (who is still like an older sister to me) who would wait until the other siblings were asleep, pour me a glass of pickle juice and bring it upstairs to me and we would talk and laugh until my parents got home and i would pretend to be asleep. let's pretend i have a sodium deficiency. i just realized this is devolving into "five weird things about erin that she should not be sharing with anyone out loud/on a blog".| 5 | when i'm in the car, i like to do something i call "hand-dancing". i picked up this little skill during many hours of driving in cars with my best high school girlfriends. we would do very subtle dances to songs on the radio with our hands. and it became a habit that exists to this day. my siblings hate it, and constantly make fun of me for it.  i remember one time when MM and i started dating, and we were sitting in my car, and i was tormenting him with that miley cyrus classic, "party in the usa". i started to hand dance and realized that he was staring at me like i had three arms. he had apparently never heard of hand-dancing! but  all's well that ends're welcome, or i'm sorry. take whatever response you need. happy weekend!

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