friday stuff and things.

it's friday everybody! and aren't we spoiled here in these united states, because it was a short week! and yet somehow, even though we only worked for four days, friday still feels so.good. doesn't it? [warning: excess of exclamation points ahead]


the sun was out this morning! if you don't live in minnesota, you're probably thinking to yourself, "wow erin, it doesn't take a lot to impress you, does it?" but you have to understand, we were starting to think that the 2.5 months of summer we are allotted each year was going to be just one big rainstorm and mostly cloudy skies! and if we are not able to do things like camping and river boating and bonfiring and swimming and just general being outsiding, we shrivel up like raisins (the other 9.5 months are winter if you were wondering).


i golfed last night on my women's work league (that made me sound way less fun than i am), and YOU GUYS I SHOT A 51!! i mean, it was on 9 holes, and that's really not good for normal people who golf, but for me, oh put a fork in me, i'm done! i probably talked Mister Man's ear off for 10 minutes last night about how excited i was and how i have such big goals for myself now, like shooting under 50 at some point this summer. he's so lucky to be married to me and my skillz.


speaking of my husband, he is coming back to me today after being gone all week on a work trip, and i couldn't be happier. not only because i miss him when he is gone for more than one night, but also because i was starting to worry that i was never going to have another real dinner again. cooking for one just seems so pointless, so it's all salads and pretzels and popcorn up in here for dinner when he's gone. which is fine when it's only one night, but i'm a little worried about my nutritional intake at this point.


also speaking of my husband, it's our first anniversary tomorrow. and now i'm trying to figure out where the last year went. i must have been too caught up in the awesomeness of it all to notice it pass by.


after that little post i wrote the other day on babies and other people's opinions, i'm pretty sure everyone thought i had a bun in the oven, so i'll have to have an extra glass of wine at book club tonight just to really drive home the fact that i don't. (but thank you everyone for the wonderful feedback on that post, i had a smile on all day long. it's nice to know that i can write posts like that and be completely honest about my feelings without alienating the whole world. i suppose the humor always helps. :) it's nice to know that a lot of people want us to pop out some babies too!)


i hope all you wonderful people have great weekends. i'll be discussing books with friends, helping a bride-to-be assemble her invitations, and toasting one year of marriage with Mister Man <3. go out and do something fun!

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take note everyone in the world.