working on the fifth of july.

today i had to go to work. and i love my job, but gosh dang it if it doesn't feel like everyone in the world was on vacation! and gosh dang it if i did not want to be anywhere but the office joining them.BUT! all is not lost. i got loads of work done. i have three barbecues this weekend to look forward to, along with celebrating the engagement of a dear friend (congrats jess and chris!). i think one day of work before the weekend is a small price to pay for all that fun, don't you? exactly, me too.


in other fun news, i did a little piece for stephanie over at the lipstick gospel today. she does a series called "the loveliest things", and i was able to contribute my loveliest things for this friday's edition. pop over for a visit if you'd like to see them. (she has an amazing eye for photo selection, and i have to say, i'm so partial to the ones she chose for my piece)


i promise that i will be posting more original content here towards the end of the month, and i will also be shaking the dust off the old camera so you kids can have something nice to look at around this place. i know that those of you who follow me on instagram (@hooleywithaz) are probably getting sick of seeing my instagrams being recycled on the blog.i'm not completely sure what the point of this little post was, other than to say have a happy weekend and i like you guys a lot and thank goodness for barbecues on the weekend to make a girl feel better about working on july 5th. thanks for sticking


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packing is my anti-happy.


thirsty thursdays (with a special guest).