just some squawking from me to you.
hi. can we talk? great, thanks, i need to squawk about some stuff for a bit. buckle up, this is going to be one detached ride. but sometimes you just need to empty your brain of all the random, you feel me?one || i am back on the coffee train. in a big big way. in fact, i don't know why i ever stopped. was i on some sort of self-hating binge? i think that was it. because me and coffee, we're tight. especially since i found this coffee creamer. it's so good!two || Mister Man and i both have this thing where we really like talking to strangers. not sure why, probably has something deeply psychological to do with our birth order or something, but we do. we talk to waitresses, grocery store clerks, old men on buses, whoever looks nice or like they could use a good chat. talking to (kind) strangers is probably one of my greatest skills, and i learned this art from my parents when i was young. now, i don't have kids yet, and many of you probably don't either, but i don't care, you need to read this essay on why "always listen to yourself" needs to be the new "stranger danger". rebecca says it so.so.well. (a couple strong words for the gentler souls to know about, but they are oh so powerfully used)three || i've almost reached the point in the year where the long underwear gets put on. oh, do some of you not know the joys of long underwear? some of you live in climates that are too warm for snow and below zero temperatures? then let me educate you. long underwear is like thin leggings you wear under your pants when it's colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra. i used to think that long underwear was for old men on hunting trips, but then i put it on and my brain exploded because i was so comfortably warm. protip: wear it to work for the most comfy work day ever.
four || i finally bought a bar cart. FINALLY. sweet baby jesus i am excited about it! it's a work in progress, for sure, but i'm making it my mission to make it the cutest focal piece in our living room. i'm not promising the most posh liquor choices or the cutest bar accessories, but there will be adorable straws! stay tuned...so that's what's on my mind lately. what a way to jump back on the wagon after a somewhat lengthy absence from posting. i gotta get my groove back. that whole slump thing put me down for the count and i am just now sticking my head back above ground to see if everything is safe. i think it is. thanks for sticking with me during the quiet times, it means more to me than you know.