i'm back and 2014 looks lovely from here.

*taps mic* "is this thing on?"hi there! remember me? if i seem to have dropped off the face of the earth, it's mostly because i have. i've been MIA on social media and comments and general existence and there is no explanation for it other than this: i've been uninspired and needed a break.when i have nothing valuable to say or share, i don't write something just for the sake of hitting the publish button. no one wants to read junk content from me (although, judging from the content of some blogs i've seen, maybe they do?), and posting every day just for the sake of the post strikes me as false and insincere. yes, it may be the way to grow, but i just can't bring myself to do it.with that out of the way, i do still love this little space of mine. it provides a creative outlet when i need it and i'm pretty sure that in certain situations it keeps me from going certifiably bonkers. this year i will be writing when i'm excited and inspired by something. and oh my goodness there is a lot to be excited for in 2014.


my sister got engaged to a wonderful man and is getting married in august (more to come on that).Mister Man promised to take me on a surprise weekend getaway at some point in the next six months.i got an ice cream maker for christmas, which means some fun new recipes will be going up once we thaw out a little.i'm officially and unapologetically baby crazy, which you already know if you've talked to me at all in the last couple of months. i will try to not let that fact get in the way here.i'm still cooking my way through my grandpa's soups, and have some other family cooking fun up my sleeve.


i don't do new year's resolutions, i don't pick a word or theme to live by (i wish i did, i love seeing everyone else's at this time of year), because i've learned that i don't do well with arbitrary timelines. my goals need to be based on my own timeline or they won't work. my "resolutions" happen throughout the year, when i decide to start going to the gym three times a week in april, or to be better at keeping in touch with people in july. so you aren't going to see a proclamation of how many times i'm going to post, or the direction this blog is taking. just the stuff that makes me happy and a promise that i will keep sharing and connecting with you while it brings me joy.i hope you will continue to follow along with me while i squawk about this little life of mine. i like you all a whole bunch, and you are a big part of why this space continues to bring me joy. so keep that up why don't you?here's to a 2014 that inspires us and excites us and makes us happy! see you out there.

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and then there were three.


merry christmas to all of you.