baby stuff: first trimester wrap-up.

thank you all for your sweet words on the announcement of our new addition. it was so much fun to tell all of you and you wouldn't believe how hard it was to keep it a secret for three whole months. in case you're worried that this blog is going to become nothing but baby-related posts, you can rest easy. although i obviously think about it constantly, my life does consist of other things outside of being pregnant. like i said in my last post, i'm hoping that my appetite and energy will come back soon so i can start doing normal things again (and then write about them!). there will still be posts about the process of growing a human inside me, but they definitely won't be the only content around in the spirit of not boring you ALL THE TIME with pregnancy stuff, i thought i'd do trimester wrap-ups and stuff all the major things into one big post so we could move on to the juicy stuff on other days (rude people and hiding the fact that you're not drinking). let's start with trimester one, although full disclosure: i still have about 10 or so days left in it.


there are about a million things that go through your head when you find out you're pregnant. "holy crap! this is so exciting! boy or girl? holy crap! how will i tell everyone? holy crap!" for me at least, not one of those thoughts included, "how is this going to make me feel for the next 9 months?".but let me tell you that once the initial euphoria diminishes (just the tiniest amount you know, my euphoria is still in full swing), that thought consumes most of your waking hours. because no matter what type of pregnancy you have, easy or not so easy, you will feel different than your normal self, and that can say the least. but also fun? it's all very rollercoaster-ish. here's what my experience has been over the past 12 weeks or so:energy: like i mentioned in the last post, ever so subtly, the fatigue, lethargy and general lack of energy has been incredible. you know how you have those days where you feel like a zombie and no amount of coffee will help you become a real human? you know those days? yea, well take one of those days, multiply that feeling by a billion, add to it that you don't really feel like drinking coffee/you can't drink enough coffee in your pregnant state to make a difference, and you can start to scratch the surface of understanding how i've been feeling, energy-wise. to really drive the point home, let's just say that when i was able to do the dishes, it felt like i had just accomplished a feat of mythical proportions.morning sickness: a pleasant surprise for me was the fact that although i have been getting nauseous like clockwork (breakfast and dinner time, every day yo), there has been no actual vomiting in my life. and for that, i have been thanking the good Lord every single lest you think that pregnancy is all just one big food fest, i'm here to tell you that i am not one of the lucky ones who wants to eat everything all the time forever, at least not in the first trimester. in fact, i think it's safe to say that the way i've been surviving is by force feeding myself. that's the only way to describe mealtimes lately, because eating is supposed to be a thing you do willingly. this has been sad you guys, because i really love food. and yet, nothing really sounds good to me. and that makes me weepy. (edit: just kidding, one thing has sounded good to me, and that one thing has been sauerkraut. yep, i've gone through three large jars all by myself so far, and that train shows no signs of stopping. all aboard the sauerkraut express, destination childbirth. i'm sorry that was too much).bump: nothing to report in this area right now. my belly still just looks like my belly. my clothes all fit fine, no maternity clothes or belly bands for me (although my siblings totally got me one the other day, woooo!). i hate to say it, but i have a feeling i won't look pregnant until about the second half of this pregnancy...and all i want is a round belly!favorite products:

  • mama bee belly butter: you guys, i know that this won't stop me from getting stretch marks if that's what is destined for me. and to be honest, i just don't really care. but a girl's gotta try, right? and this stuff just feels so moisturizing and awesome.
  • snoogle body pillow: i literally JUST got this in the mail today, and it's already my favorite thing i've ever had. sleeping just isn't the same when you're pregnant, even when you don't have a big belly, and this is my new best friend.
  • gedney sauerkraut: see note above on the only food that sounds good to me. the gedney brand just really does it for me too.
  • dr. bronner's eucalyptus pure castile soap: all-natural, and the scent is not strong enough to make me gag like the lavender version, but also almost has a stress relief factor to it. cannot say enough good things about this stuff.
  • yoga pants of any kind: okay, my girl card is going to get revoked for saying this, but i've never really understood the whole "wear yoga pants all the time" thing. i prefer jeans or straight sweatpants to yoga pants. until now. i get it now. they are the perfect blend of stretchy and supportive and i would live in them if i were allowed. i kind of want this pair for my birthday. maybe more than one.

chaturanga tight

  • tracy anderson pregnancy dvds: when i feel a burst of energy, i have been trying to get workouts in when i can. these dvds are amazing, tracy is pregnant in them, which makes you feel better about being able to do everything (if she can do it, i can do it!), and they just make me feel stronger all around.

let me know if you like this sort of post and are cool with me doing them for each trimester, or if you're like, um TMI erin, no more of this please. also let me know if you have any pressing questions about this whole being knocked up thing. i'm kind of an open book and really like to talk about it. have a fabulous weekend all!

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the beard behind the blog.


and then there were three.