these days with baby z.

and then there were 12.

12 weeks to go. 3 months to go. 84 days to go. it seems like such a long time, and then also like i'm going to wake up tomorrow and my due date will be here. that's the weird thing about speeds everything up and slows everything down, all at once, and you're never really sure which one you want to happen more.

i love being pregnant, but i also can't wait to meet our baby. i'm so excited to find out the gender, to hold them close, i'm even weirdly excited to go through labor. but there is something a little sad about my first pregnancy entering its final stages. i'll never be pregnant for the first time again, and my husband will never be as in awe of my growing belly as he is this time around. in the next 12 weeks, i want to stay in every moment, as present as possible, so that when the next chapter starts, i'll know i enjoyed the last one to the fullest.


how far along: 28 weeks.

i’m feeling: i'm not as sore as i have been the last month. either my body got used to the stretching and extra weight, or there has been a break in the constant changing. either way, i'm very thankful. walks still get me sore by the end, but i'm feeling good enough to go to the driving range with Mister Man to hit some golf balls. i'm trying to see if it's true that pregnancy helps your golf game...jury is still out.[gallery type="rectangular" ids="3105,3104"]total weight gain: no clue how much i've gained since the last appointment, but judging from the belly growth and how much bigger the baby feels, i'd say 4-5 pounds? i'm going to guess that i gain 30 pounds when all is said and done. and then kick myself for being so cocky when i actually gain z.’s size: it’s an eggplant baby now. meaning that baby z. weighs about as much as an eggplant (around 2 1/4 pounds) and is about 15 inches long. although knowing our baby, it's probably on the short side.this week: Mister Man has been traveling like crazy, so i've just been maintaining the house as much as i can on my own. which, housework is hard when you're pregnant yo! next week will be the week of the nursery painting.maternity clothes: you know it. also, i totally broke down and got these skinny white jeans. because what pregnant lady doesn't need some banging' white denim?sleep: i've been getting lucky in the sleep department lately. i think baby z. decided it liked me better on 7-8 hours all in a row, and has refrained from stepping on my bladder and waking me up. let's see what the third trimester brings!best moment this week: feeling the little one do a 180 degree turn while sitting in church. that really made me sit up and pay attention to the fact that there is a real live human being in there. one that can move on its own and has eyelashes and probably has a sense of humor about all of this craziness.movement: the movements are becoming much more distinct and feel more, i don't know, controlled? there is less space in there so there is a bit less flailing, and a lot more slow, strong movement. i love both cravings: i'm just going to say ice cream, all the time. mostly because i've had some every other night this aversions: nothing makes me feel sick, although it's getting harder to eat a lot of food at once, since the space in my abdomen is running out.belly button in or out: it's literally hanging on by a thread. Mister Man thinks it's out, i contend that it's still an innie. that may just be wishful thinking though.looking forward to: having the nursery done, and being in the home stretch of the third trimester!there is a second trimester wrap-up coming your way next week, and there will also be a belly style post  in the next few about my favorite things to wear now that i’m getting bigger. i'm feeling a bit emotional about how fast things are moving, so expect an essay or two thrown in there for good measure.

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baby stuff: second trimester wrap-up.


recipe: strawberry cream cheese pie.