these days with baby z.
you know what's weird? i'm now at the point where i can honestly say that the baby could be born tomorrow (two weeks before my due date) or a month from now (two weeks after my due date). it's such a strange game to be playing, this waiting game. people ask you if you're ready, and yes, of course i'm ready to meet this little person playing bongos on my bladder. but then, how can a person ever really be ready to have a baby? i don't think it's possible. i think it needs to just happen to you, and then you're ready because it's happening to you.i've been trying to just "be" the last couple of weeks. i'm not necessarily nesting a whole lot, or doing a lot of writing, or even seeing people. it just feels important right now to be with Mister Man and myself, not really doing anything special, because the routine just feels so good. i think a part of me realizes that the routine isn't going to be there much longer, so i'm soaking it up while i still can. and that's that. and soon the little one will be here.
how far along: 38 i’m feeling: the chiropractor seems to have worked wonders on this old lady hip of mine! i was ready to buy a pimp cane (you know, the kind with a jeweled skull on top?) until the end of last week, and then all of a sudden, the limping wasn't as bad. and this week, i even went on a walk. twice! so i'm back to feeling all warrior mother again, and i needed weight gain: i'm now going to weekly appointments until the baby is born, and as of this week's appointment my total gain was up to 27 pounds. i am now changing my prediction of total weight gain from 32-33 pounds to 30 pounds. i was on such a roll up until the end!baby z.’s size: baby z. is a leek baby this week! (weird?) meaning that it is about as long as a leek(around 19.5 inches) and weighs almost 7 pounds. i don't know how much more it can grow, there can't be much room left!this week: i'm finishing up the last of the baby laundry, and ordering the last (very few) things we need off our registries so the nursery can be organized once and for all (we were so blessed by our family and friends that we don't really NEED a whole lot else for baby z. and i can never say how thankful i am for that). oh also, i have a three-day work week because my little sister is getting hitched in a week!
maternity clothes: my darling friend kali (who had a baby four days prior by the way) took pity on me and gave me a whole bag of her maternity clothes to use during the last month of this pregnancy. it sounds silly, but it has made such a huge difference in how i feel when i get dressed every morning. just having more options has made me feel refreshed! thank you kali!sleep: i'm getting up at about 2am every night, and so my maximum amount of uninterrupted sleep is about four hours a night. some nights it's less than that. i'm doing surprisingly well, lack of sleep considered. hopefully i can keep it together until the baby moment this week: my friends had a baby shower for me this past sunday, and it was so much fun! not many of my friends have had babies of their own (yet), but you wouldn't know it with how good they are with this pregnant lady. they are so supportive and wonderful and this baby is very lucky to be coming into this world surrounded by the friends and family that we have.
movement: the baby is doing full body rolls in my abdomen as i write this. is that enough of a picture for you?food cravings: you guys, i can't stop with the ice cream. but in my defense, Mister Man is totally an instigator. he totally suggests at least half our visits to the ice cream shop down the aversions: nope.belly button in or out: you know.looking forward to: my sister's WEDDING in a week!! i am so freaking excited, i can't even tell you. the bridesmaid dress is fitted and ready (it zips!), and i have thursday and friday off of work for some fun and pampering and wedding festivities. it's going to be the best weekend, and i couldn't be more excited for her and her wonderful here's the deal: i might be back with a post next week, or i might have a baby. i might be able to do a 40-week pregnancy update, or i might have a baby. it's all a toss-up at this point. so stay tuned to the social medias (links below) and this blog for more posts or an announcement in the next few weeks! i may go crazy with the uncertainty of it all, but that could be fun for you guys to watch too, right? have a fabulous weekend full of sun and love and fun!
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