amelia: three months old.
technically amelia turned three months old on monday, but that means that i have a three month old, and couldn't get around to taking photos or writing a post until today. but i'm still doing pretty good, right? i mean, would it make you think that i'm more of a supermom if i told you that i also chose monday as the day i started having amelia nap and sleep in her crib? and did i mention that i also happened to be solo parenting while i did this? #notmybestdecisionever
a lot has happened in the last month. she was baptized, which was one of the proudest moments of my life, to bring my little girl into the family of God. we went on our first date post-baby and amelia didn't even flinch. and she started to nap you guys, and my life has changed completely. our days now have some semblance of a schedule, with amelia eating at fairly predictable three hour intervals (until they become every two hours in the evening) and napping on a reasonably regular basis. sometimes the naps are even longer than 45 minutes and i can do more than just change out of my pajamas and put away the clothes on the floor. like, today i made pumpkin bread! WITH cream cheese frosting!
she has also developed quite the bubbly personality. we have a smiler and a cooer and a flirt on our hands. the best part of my day is when i walk into her room to get her, and she's talking to herself in her bed, and the second she sees me her whole face lights up like she can't believe how lucky she is that i came to get her. it's impossible to be in a bad mood when that's how your day starts. on the days with lots of crying, i try to remember our morning greeting to keeping me from going crazy.three months feels like real life is starting again. i feel like this is where the haze clears and our life regains its structure. i can just feel how close she is getting to sleeping through the night, and i am not so nervous to leave her with a babysitter anymore. i can leave the house with no preparation other than a quick check of the diaper bag, and i don't care if she starts to cry wherever we are, because i know how to soothe her in any situation. it's not so much that she's getting older, i think it's that i'm getting better at being a mom. while it's sad to see her grow up sometimes and lose more and more of her "babyness", the new things she learns keep me so excited to watch her get older each month.amelia: your dad and i will make funny faces at you until we pass out, just for the hope of one teeny, tiny smile from you. that's how awesome we think you are. thanks for being such a ray of sunshine in our lives.p.s. she still hasn't found that thumb.
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