amelia: four months old.
okay, well four months has become four and a half months, so sue me that i maybe let things get a little out of control. there's been a lot going on around here, and the fog is just starting to lift, maybe, but it also might be here for a while, i can't really say. wow you are so profound and also seemingly in total control of your life erin.i know.back to the subject at hand. i am the mother of a four month old. and holy crap do i love it. four months old is laughing and smiling and dancing and joking and turning into a baby that can do things by herself. it's totally great, and totally melancholy at the same time. because along with the fun comes the outgrowing of clothes and the independence. just the other day amelia outgrew her cloth diapers and we had to go up a size and i'm pretty sure i cried in the shower that night. but then she had a laughing fit the next day and i forgave her for getting bigger.
four months brought an end to my maternity leave. and so while i love it, i also will probably never completely forgive it for arriving and screwing up my short-lived existence as a stay at home mom. that beef will probably always haunt my relationship with four months.but the laughing. four months brought LAUGHING so i can't help but want to open mouth kiss it!
four months has made me almost forget the terror of the gassy months one and two and has made me so excited for what's to come. i feel like i am really good at being the mom of a four month old and on. i didn't do horribly the first three months, but let's be honest, is anyone really GOOD at being the mom of an insanely gassy infant?
miss amelia, your dad and i like you a lot. we like you and we love you and that's pretty much the best news around. your personality is coming out in a big way, and i know that we are going to have some good times around here. thank you for having such a good sense of humor, for being a trooper when your dad and i haul you around to different events, and for giving us a reason to dance to t. swift in the kitchen most nights.we love you boo boo.
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