coffee date.
i’ve avoided making this a regular thing for long enough. i’m just going to give in to the inevitable. i love coffee; i love talking at to people; so coffee dates it is. we’re going to make this a regular thing you and know how all the healthy lifestyle magazines are always saying, “make your friend dates a chance to be active – go hiking, take a workout class or do something else active with your girls”? yea, well that’s all well and good, but i’ll work out on my own time. i prefer my girl time to be spent over brunch, happy hour, or a good cup of coffee. i suppose we can take a walk with our coffee if the weather is good enough – not too hot, not too cold – so imagine we’re walking if you like. otherwise, curl up on your comfiest chair with your beverage of choice, and let’s do this's still a little too hot for sweaters and scarves, but i can't give up my hot beverages at this time of year. i’ll be having a skim latte with a half shot of almond syrup. i’d get a pumpkin latte, but i’m trying to pace myself. i can't burn out on them before october! question for you: have you ever tried pourover coffee? i tried one the other day, and i have to say…i don’t get it. can someone explain it to me? am i not hipster enough for pourover coffee? help.speaking of things that are too hipster for me; let’s talk about having cool hair. now, i don’t have what i would call “mom” hair. but i certainly don’t have what i would call “cool” hair. once upon a time i had bangs, but then i realized that i have curly hair and don’t like to spend more than five minutes fixing it. bangs gone. i work in a fairly conservative place, so fun color is out of the question. and frankly shaving off any part of my hair = seems silly considering my lifestyle. i just think that i’m destined to have the same hair forever. can we agree to just call me classic?
can i stop the conversation for a moment to show you this photo of amelia taking all of her dad's credit cards out of his wallet? it's just so hilarious, and we both think this is a foreshadowing of things to come...
i want to get a bit sentimental with you for a moment now. because you have been so incredibly wonderful to me this week as i introduced “everything with love”. i have been thinking this over in my little heart for a long time now – an embarrassingly long time. we’re talking a year or so. i have felt so pulled to the message of it, and it finally came together to fit just right. and your response has been more wonderful than i’d ever hoped it would be. thank you for that. thank you a thousand times. i have the biggest smile on my face.thanks for coffee. i love myself a good chat with a friend on a saturday morning. let’s do this again soon. i hope you have a wonderful weekend, full of perfect fall weather and lovely times with people who make you happy (throw a beer in there and you have my perfect day). tag your weekend coffee date activities with #withloveandcoffee so i can make sure to follow you all and keep up with your weekend fun. coffee dates are a two way street people!
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