a slow descent into insanity.
if you follow me on snapchat (@hooleywithaz), you would see me on a regular basis, switching from put together professional to frazzled mom. you would be able to tell which weeks Mister Man traveled, because the frazzle seeps over into the professional side a bit too often. i look like a caricature of myself, hair pointing every which way, a mysterious spot on my shirt that i wasn't awake enough to notice, and definitely a blemish or two.exhibit a (don't mind the heart doodle, just hiding a giant zit or two):i don't say all of this to garner sympathy. when i watch my snapchat story on the frazzled days, i get a really good laugh out of it. a hearty laugh. because i realize that while motherhood has caused me to make a slow descent into insanity, it's also made me realize that i have not changed one bit since high school, at least not in the ways that matter.when i see myself with that crazy hair and those zits, i don't see a tired mom or a cranky wife. i see me, as a sixteen year old, heading to my high school classes dressed in sweatpants and a tennis sweatshirt, because for me, being comfortable and in a good mood was way more important than spending time putting on clothes with actual buttons and zippers. and the hair? well it weirdly looked exactly like it does now - usually piled high on my head in a bun, or thrown back in a messy braid. now, as back then, i can still clean up when i need to. but i didn't have time to be worrying about my "put-togetherness" when there were friends to be talked to and tests to be taken. just like i don't have time to worry about it today when there are babies to be played with and walks to be taken.exhibit b (not as terrifying):
so this post is a PSA for you all: if you ever happen to see me on the street looking a little worse for the wear, don't feel sorry for me. i'm probably feeling really great, and my insane appearance is just a reflection of all the fun i'm having.but also, send coffee. always send coffee.
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