i've been thinking about ways to live my life more intentionally over the past few months. when you're wrapped up in keeping your baby healthy and happy for the better part of a year, you tend to lose sight of yourself as an individual and the greater world around you. (oh please, tell me that this isn't just me or i will feel really bad about myself) now that the cloud has lifted, i'm seeing that i'm lacking quite a bit in the "putting others before yourself" and "practicing self-care" areas. and i want to change that.ashten of 'just go left' had a great post the other day that really jumpstarted this for me again. it completely captured what i've been trying to put into words for myself and it made me realize that being intentional doesn't need to be a huge production. sometimes the littlest things can make the biggest difference, both in your own life and in others.part of the reason for rebranding this blog was to be more intentional in the "why" of all this blogging mess. i'm often asked what i hope to get out this blog (as in, why do you do it if you don't make money from it). up until recently, my answer has been "i don't know", and i was always really embarrassed about that. and then i realized: i don't need to have an endgame for something that makes me happy. this blog is my hobby. some people hike, some people knit, i write blog posts. having this place to reflect on the happenings of my life is a good outlet for me, and when i say i want to be more thoughtful about how i'm living, what better way to keep me accountable than having a place to keep track of how i'm living that out in my daily life?
so with that said, i'm going to be keeping track of this new intention of mine. if you've been following along on instagram, you may have noticed that i've started a bit already. i'm going to be using the hashtag #lifelivedthoughtfully to keep myself accountable for living an intentional existence. whenever i have a chance to reflect on a moment that i may have just passed over in the last year, or take time to make someone else's day a little happier, i want to remember it. i want to look back so i can see how being intentional has manifested itself in my everyday.i want to invite you to do the same. if you want to focus on living life a little more thoughtfully, tag your posts so i can see them (and maybe take a little inspiration in the process). my hope is that we can all become a little more intentional by seeing how others are being intentional in their lives. hope to see you all there.
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also: how many times have i said intentional in this post? leave your guess in the comments.