oh, the randomness you're about to read.
kind of like, "oh, the places you'll go", but way less inspirational and way less rhyming.not sure how it's the last wednesday of october already, but it is, and november is next week, and i'm not sure what that means for my life that i seemingly lose entire months of my life without really understanding where they went. i pay attention and i live in the moment, i do. but then when i look back, i just don't feel like i could possibly have filled an entire month's worth of days. i'll say things to people like, "oh we should plan something for the middle of november!", like that gives us plenty of time to get our shit together, and then i'm like, "oh that's only two weeks away". nice try erin.i think stuff like this keeps happening to me because i've lost too many brain cells in the last year. probably from a lack of sleep. is that a thing? can you lose brain cells from that? i was going to say i'm asking for a friend, but i just saw the first sentence of this paragraph and realized the jig was up. turns out, i need way more sleep than i think i do, but i'm a night owl and having a child is really cramping my style in that department. speaking of which, it's 8:55pm and i can hear my child hooting from her bedroom. just so you're on my level, that doesn't bode well for how the rest of the night is going to go.
it's now 8:57pm and it's raining. thank the good Lord it isn't snow. i'm not ready for that yet. snow means shoveling and being stuck inside with a toddler more than usual and sloppy floors. i like seasonal snow as much as the next girl, but for me that means AFTER halloween, preferably after thanksgiving. if i had my way it'd be gone by march, but we live in the tundra, and so we can't have nice things like long summers. it's the one part of my life that i don't want to resemble laura ingalls AND YET IT IS THE PART THAT IS MOST SIMILAR.i guess i'll just have to start planning my baking schedule. i have a feeling that amelia and i might be spending a lot of time mixing things up in the kitchen to pass the time this winter. which is okay, when it comes right down to it. food is my love language, so i love to have more time and excuses to make things for my family and for the people around us. and if i can pass that love on to my daughter? icing on the lovingly baked cake. i'm thinking that pinterest might be pretty key in these baking endeavors, so if any of you are pinterest lovers like me, leave me a link in the comments so i can follow you and all of your gorgeous boards!well. i think this has been a sufficiently pointless blog post, what do you think? should we call it a day? thank for sticking around to the end, if you made it this far, i love you and want to kiss your face.see you saturday for a coffee date! i'm off to eat some more dove sea salt caramel dark chocolates.
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