coffee date.

it's been a hot minute since i've had a coffee date with you people. i've been a bad friend. summer gets the best of me, what can i say? there's so much to do that there's almost too much to do, you know? so i end up not doing anything. is anyone else like that? or is it just terrible me?so let's get back into it again, shall we? because i need some coffee. i always need some coffee.


if we were having coffee, i'd tell you how much i wish i could drink coffee all day long these days. because being pregnant, and not sleeping, and also running around because it's summer does not make for a rested me. and unrested me wants a coffee IV drip. but pregnant me can't have a coffee IV drip. so i nurse my morning coffee until noon.pregnant coffee bellyif we were having coffee, i'd ask you to tell me about any trips you're planning. you see, because of this whole procreation thing (gross) that Mister Man and i have going on right now, our travel plans are a little lacking. and i know, i know, you can still travel with little kids, and all that fun stuff, and i agree. but i know how i get after i have babies, and even though i wish i had the energy of this lady, i just don't. so you need to tell me all about your travel plans, from the quickest weekend trip to the most amazing european adventure.if we were having coffee, i'd probably be weird and ask you to look at my belly when the baby started doing its acrobatics. because you'd either think it was awesome or super creepy and both of those are fine reactions. but seriously, there is an alien inside my belly and i need to share it with people.if we were having coffee, i'd ask how you were and i'd wait to hear the answer. because i'm trying this new thing where i listen better. a lot of people i know are going through a lot of hard things, and i've started to learn that if you just give it a minute, you can help lighten their burden by just listening to their stories. so just know that i'm here to listen to you if you happen to need it.


let me know what you'd be chatting to me about at our coffee. i promise that i have the time to chat as long as you need. like, until our coffee gets cold. i'm used to cold coffee these days anyway.

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these days with baby zee.


summer and ice cream treats; the way to my pregnant heart.