get you a man who can do both.
alternate title: a love letter to my baby daddy.have you guys seen those memes? the ones with two photos of the same man side by side, but in one photo they're dressed to the nines, and in the other they're all nerdy and/or casual? i believe the meme started with this:
i love this meme. i love it so much. and i believe that i've got a man who can indeed "do both".in the last week, i've watched Mister Man put the finishing touches on the fence in our backyard that he built with his own two hands, then come inside and play "chase me dad!" with our daughter for an hour. i've watched him go to work to earn a living for our family, then come home and make dinner for us while i'm busy with one baby nursing and the other trying to sit on my lap at the same time. he is tough and he is gentle. he can work with tools and comfort a baby with those same two hands. he is equally comfortable at a dive bar on friday night or at church on sunday.
there's nothing like having a baby with someone to bring out their best and worst characteristics. after having a second one with Mister Man, i can say that this baby daddy of mine is pretty much the perfect man. he would tell you otherwise, because that's just the kind of guy he is, but it's the honest to goodness truth. i don't tell him enough, but i can't imagine anyone else i'd rather be married to or raise kids with. so i guess what i'm trying to say after all that is this: make sure that when you make your decisions about life partners or baby daddies, that you get you a man who can do both.
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