william: one month old.
oh my poor little second child. already getting left behind because life is so crazy. this, your one month update, is already a week late, which at this point in time means that some of what you were doing last week is already old news. but you're a trooper so i know you'll forgive me.i love watching my little mister and seeing what he's like in comparison to Amelia. because while there are a lot of similarities, in their looks and some of their habits, he is definitely his own person.like his sister, he is one big bag of gas. unlike his sister, he handles it much better than she did. like his sister, he likes to stay awake ALL morning (from 7-11am, like clockwork), then nap through the afternoon, then howl for a while around 8pm until he eats and goes to bed around 10pm. like his sister, he's a pretty good night sleeper, he gets up to eat but goes right back to bed. i've gotten a couple 5 hour stretches out of him, which is freaking fabulous. like his sister, he hated being swaddled. unlike his sister, he doesn't seem to be very into his wubbanub, which is a bummer when trying to calm him down for sleep.
he started to wake up and pay more attention to everything around him a couple weeks ago, and so far, he seems to just be really chill about everything (unless he's trying to fall asleep). i have a lot of fun with him in the morning before Amelia wakes up, and i try to spend some quality time with Amelia during his first morning nap. but i'm not going to lie, i'm kind of obsessed with when they both sleep at the same time and i get to spend an hour or two without a child or two attached to my body...
i've been so grateful the last month for a baby who has just fit into our family like he's always been here. it's taken a bit to get the routines figured out (or you know, just thrown out the window), but i can't imagine him not being here in the world. having William has also given me a newfound confidence in myself as a mother. there is nothing like parenting a spirited toddler while pregnant to make you feel like a failure. now that i'm on round two, i'm realizing that i do know what i'm doing, and most of the time, i'm doing a good job. i'm not constantly questioning if i'm doing the right thing, it just comes easier to me now. and that's a gift only he could give me.
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