william: three months old.

ready for our typically late update on little mister william? at this rate, his one year update will be pushed back to december by the time i get to it.oh william. you are the sunshine in our lives. all three of us; your dad, your sister and me, we are obsessed with your mood, your skills, your everything. and lucky for us, you give us all the reasons to smile. i mean, look at you, how could we not be in deep, deep love with you?? this next photo pretty much sums up our sweet boy's personality. happy with whatever he's given, and infectious in his happiness:

"oooooh! an avocado! thaaaanks!"

ten points to you and gryffindor if you know what that reference is.

between months two and three, william has come into his own in terms of his personality. he has settled into his own schedule and routine, getting up twice a night, getting up around 7:30am, staying up anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours before wanting to be cuddled into a nap (oh, he is the BEST cuddler), and then repeating the process a few times until his bedtime at 8 or so.

now that he is developing into his own little person, i might be willing to say that he will be even more social than his sister. he loves to smile at anyone and everyone, although he reserves the biggest and best smiles for his dad and his sister. he is in love with Amelia, and once he can sit up, my parenting job will be so much easier, because i'll just make sure he's sitting somewhere where he can see his sister and I won't have to worry about entertaining him. right now, he loves to be held looking out so he can see as much as he possibly can. he really is only unhappy if he can't see enough of the people or things that interest him. 

i go back to work soon (even sooner now that this is late), and while i get worried that he isn't even four months old, and there will be some rough spots because of that (vote for paid maternity leave for all), i know that he will be fine. he knows how to go with the flow and even though he's a mama's boy, he will learn to be okay without me.

little william: i've learned that i live for your smile, especially when it's prefaced by your "what are you looking at?" face. i am loving this stage with you, but also am so impatient to see what type of person you will be as you grow. i'm so excited to see how you and your sister are together as you get bigger and more able to "keep up" with her. thank you for being so sweet and for bringing our family so much happiness.

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william: four months old.


winter spice bourbon cocktail recipe.