william: eight months old.
he's walking. my eight month old is walking. that's it. that's the update. don't have anything else to talk about, and don't have the time to talk about it because i'm too busy running around after my WALKING EIGHT MONTH OLD because apparently our house is not at all babyproofed. the end.here is what mister William was like between seven and eight months:William still loves food. he will eat literally anything you set in front of him, and has started to refuse his purees. so our challenge is now to find solid foods that he can gum. the silver lining of him loving everything is that his typical meal can be steamed peas and carrots, ground turkey, squished beans, applesauce or pears, and every so often we can trick him into eating some rice or oat cereal. we can't wait for him to start eating eggs and dairy so that he can participate more fully in our meals. boy will that make life about a million times easier!
you know what is really easy already? William, just as a human baby. this boy is seriously just an easygoing guy. he can stay up past his naptime or bedtime if we need him to, and while he has the occasional fussy moment when he's cutting a tooth or is super tired or hungry, he is almost never out of sorts. people make comments all the time how freely he gives smiles to strangers, and how genuinely happy he is. and we are very thankful that this is how he is, because we needed him as our second child to be this way.little buddy also loves very deeply. he is obsessed with his dad and sister (i think he loves me too, but he gets bored with me easily). he is in deep love with my parents dog bella, and really dogs in general. anytime he sees a dog walking toward him, he flaps his arms and starts yelling. it's pretty great to watch. his big thing lately is looking at you and tilting his head all coyly, and making you fall in love with him as well.
so yea, i already touched on the walking thing up there. and while TECHNICALLY, he didn't officially walk until the day after he turned eight months old, i'm counting it. so i'm too tired to really talk any more about this, because i spend a lot of time running around after two "toddlers" now. sidenote: can an eight month old be a toddler? is a toddler defined by walking, or just by being older than a year? enlighten me.
[this is what he does anytime he gets in his car seat. but dude, i don't even drive that fast!]
little william: your personality is bursting at the seams these days, and it’s so fun to see you grow into your own little person. time is moving way too fast for me, you are losing more of your baby-ness each day and growing up before my eyes. it’s exciting to watch, but also moving faster than i can handle! i know that with your sweetness, you’ll always stay my baby boy (even though dad is your favorite). thanks for still snuggling with me when you know i need a fix.
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