william: nine months old.
let's just not even talk about how sad it is that i can't get these written in a timely manner. it's just going to embarrass all of us. at least the photo was taken relatively close to the right time....here is what mister William was like between eight and nine months:my little baby is walking like a maniac. he started officially walking the day after he turned eight months old, and never slowed down after that. he loves being able to run after his sister, and he loves to get into tight spots where he has to squeeze through. it's actually really funny to watch him meander his way through his newfound freedom of mobility.william really started to get teeth this month. it was...less than fun for all of us. sleep got pretty dicey for a while. like, the kids (both of them) weren't falling asleep until 9:30, and both Mister Man and i were losing our minds. no down time will do that to a person. or married parents of two. yikes.
he also has started to eat like a toddler. he eats more than his sister on a regular basis. he is totally done with purees now, and only will eat what we eat. it's awesome because of how easy it is, we just cut everything we're having into tiny pieces, and he gums them and swallows them. he likes steak and chicken and eggs and rice and veggies and fruit and pretty much everything you can think of. we are trying to keep him off dairy for a bit longer, and also are being careful with how much sugar he gets, because we don't want to mess up his gut and risk eczema developing like it did with amelia (although i feel like that's really a low chance, i don't want to be too careful).
[this was during a meal where i realized how expensive feeding these two little monsters is going to be...they devoured their own meals at panera in about ten minutes!]
we have been having so much fun with his little personality. he is learning how to do "so big" and "peekaboo" and is babbling a ton! whenever i think about him starting to talk, it makes me giggle a little, because i have a feeling that, much like his sister, he won't ever stop and then our house will be forever noisy. but it's the best kind of noise!little william: i'm sorry that sometimes your stuff come a little later than your sister's. i wish i could be better at staying on top of things for your memories. but just know that we could never forget how sweet you are. your first year has been such a joy for all of us.
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