daylight savings is exhausting.

caution: this post starts out weird and doesn't really wind up anywhere you want it to be. i blame daylight savings. you've been forewarned. thank you for your time.i woke up this morning so very disoriented. it was so dark out, and all i could think was why? where am i? who am i? see, i've been getting up at around 6:00am the past couple of weeks just to make some time for myself. i make the coffee and actually drink a cup out of a regular mug, which feels like such a luxury when normally it's all i can do to get out of the house with my travel mug unspilled. i've also been doing a bible study through #shereadstruth as well, which has been such a nice way to start my days. as the oldest of five children who are just eight years apart, alone time is/has always been treasured in my life.anywho, all that's to say that, up until this morning, 6:00am was basically sunrise. and it's a lot easier to get your butt up and out of the warm bed where your husband is still comfortably asleep when the sun is shining. and stupid daylight savings, not only is the sun not shining, it's just straight DARK out now. and it took an hour of my sleep yesterday. so DST and i, we're not on good terms.darkness

since i had such a weirdo start to the day, obviously it acted like a monday, just being a total b-word. i made no fewer than five phone calls regarding urgent matters, and got a grand total of zero phone calls back. i tripped each and every time i stood up from my desk and i'm even wearing flats because i knew heels were a bad idea in my current state of daylight savings deprivation. i'm pretty sure i had a second (third?) cup of coffee while i was there, but i'm not 100% that occurred outside of my own mind.okay, where was i? why did i start writing this post? if any of you are still reading this, congratulations to you! (have i ever explained that how i write this blog is pretty much how things sound in my head? total train of thought style. it's only obvious on days like today, but when it's obvious, it's punch-you-in-the-face-obvious.)thank you 1ah yes, i was trying to get to the fact that even though it's terrible, DST's saving grace is the fact that we finally have sunlight past the time when i leave the office. which means a few things:

  • i can start walking home again. it's a much better feeling to walk home in the daylight vs. the scary winter darkness.
  • i can take walks with Mister Man after work. we love walking around our neighborhood, and even though it's fun to spy on the mansions when their lights are on and their shades are open (that sounds creepier when i write it out), it's better with sun.
  • i can feel motivated to get things done after work, like write thank you notes and do laundry and read, instead of immediately throwing on sweatpants and sitting in front of my laptop avoiding translation homework.

the moral of this terrible story is, daylight savings is exhausting. sleep is lost, too many things are pondered that probably don't have to be (see: this entire post), and valuable work days are wasted. thank you for being here through this struggle i call my monday blog post, you have no idea how much i appreciate you. xo.thank you 2p.s. for anyone who i may have confused by my writing style here and here (and here, oh my gosh no wonder you were all confused, i'm the worst! and clearly suffering from baby fever.) we are totally not pregnant right now. just talking about the possibility of getting there in the next year. :)p.p.s. if you follow me on instagram, sorry for all the re-runs. it's been sloppy and gross outside, and i haven't much felt like whipping out the "real" camera for anything lately.

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hey guys, it's lent.


that time i tried to donate my engagement ring to the arts.