let's talk about...drinkware preference.
i've been noodling a lot on really unimportant things lately. and sometimes i just need to get my thoughts out in the open air. so today, let's talk about drinkware preferences. i feel like my thoughts on this will either cement our compatibility or make you think i'm even nuttier than you first suspected. either way, let's have some fun.
i have very specific tastes when it comes to my beverage receptacles. if you've been reading for a while, or follow me on instagram, you may have noticed.i wasn't born this way. in fact, i used to be able to quite comfortably drink my 3-buck chuck out of a coffee mug. or my tea out of a juice glass. it didn't matter what the method was, as long as it got the liquid to my mouth. i was in college, i didn't have time or money to worry about silly things like that.
and then i met Mister Man. and those days were over. because my husband, he is nothing if not particular. it's got to be the chemical engineer in him. his motto might as well be, "a place for everything and everything in its place". so when we started dating, if i grabbed a water glass with the intention of putting beer in it, i would gently be told where the pint glasses were (most likely in the freezer, chilled and frosty). this is all related to the fact that he likes cleaning and tidying, whereas i am a little less "careful" about things like that.
and so slowly but surely, i started to pay more attention to the types of drinkware i was pouring things into. all this to say, that the other day, as i was making breakfast in my parents' kitchen, i actually had a conversation with myself that went a little something like this:
me: which glass would be better for orange juice, that tiny 6 oz. one, or the bigger 8 oz. one?myself: well, technically a serving of juice is 8 oz., but that smaller glass is actually the juice glass, so you should probably use the 6 oz.me: but i'm thirsty for more juice than that.myself: well, it's probably okay, but you should really use the appropriate glass if it's available to you.me: i'll remember that for next time.
it went a lot faster than that, but that is basically what the exchange inside my head looked like. who does that? who questions what type of glass they're going to pour their orange juice into? i'm still not sure how this became me, but i'm thinking that Mister Man's well-organized mind + my tendency towards habitual behavior has ruined me in this area of life. thank goodness he makes such delicious pancakes for me all the time, or i'd have to shake my fist at him.at least if i'm ever in doubt, we all know that a mason jar can be used to drink any type of liquid.
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