humpday happy list.
today is a great day. tomorrow is my friday (so this is more of a thursday happy list), i will be in warmer weather as of 11pm tomorrow night, i have a happy hour to attend and my mother in law is making dinner for the family tonight. a great day. enjoy the rest of your week. i will be popping in sporadically next week, but let's be honest....the beach is calling my name.1) humpday read: anthropologie for men (post by Midwestyle).this is just a good giggle from a blog i've been reading for a little bit. these guys have great style (albeit sometimes a little too fashion forward to convince Mister Man of any of it). they write some great lifestyle articles to go along with their fashion ones, and, being young men themselves, always inject the best kind of humor into their posts.(this would be my pick for a manly accessory from anthro. there are many many more.)2) humpday vacation: palm island. can just read my post about my favorite tradition of all time and then you will know why i am so excited! are you sick of hearing about this place yet? too bad. this is my blog and i get to talk about what i want to talk about. and right now, that is my family vacation.
3) humpday nesting: christmas card planning.okay, so when i talked in my last post about traditions, this is something that would fall into that category. i grew up with annual christmas cards being sent out to family and friends. i've never really done one before, because sending a christmas card of yourself to your family and friends is weird. i can't promise this is going to be an annual thing, but i'm trying here. Mister Man does not see the point of these things. but obviously, that's because he's all man. and a practical one at that. we're trying to decide between the following two options right now (i use the term "we" loosely here). thoughts? i'm partial to the square one, but am open to suggestions...
4) humpday meal: popcorn.because when my husband travels, i revert into the single lady version of myself. just last night in fact, i ate a huge bowl of popcorn for dinner, while watching felicity on netflix (don't judge me, i'm done with dawson's creek now you guys and i needed something to fill the void and netflix told me this would do it). later, i went over to my lovely cousin's apartment to eat a bowl of ice cream with homemade hot fudge sauce and we ended up watching 90 minutes worth of les miserables videos online. we watched some twice. i'm a walking girl cliché.
5) humpday laugh: it's about hipsters. (that's a hipster trap down there)q: how did the hipster burn his mouth?a: he ate his pizza before it was cool.goodbye forever.
(see my past humpday happy lists here)
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