something other than the weather.

i had a nice post composed in my head about how nice it was to finally be able to sleep with the windows open. because that's really a sweet spot time here in minnesota. between snow and murderous humidity, there is a small sliver of the year where we can open all the windows and breathe in crisp air. and it is glorious.but since it snowed today and it's may and yadda yadda how many times can i talk about the freaking weather on this blog(?), here's what we've been up to this week so far.


i got my hairs did:went from grown-out highlights circa the last time i dyed it (two weeks before my wedding) to dark reddish/auburn ombre. you'll be able to see it better in future photos, but you get the gist here, right? gosh do i like getting my hair done. it makes me feel all special and pampered. also, do you like my bathroom selfie? thanks. the lighting is much better in there.


my friend brought me a mini baby orchid:i have the most lovely friend who is also my neighbor and her fiance happens to be pretty knowledgable in the orchid area. and because they are so thoughtful i am now the proud owner of a baby orchid as well as my big orchid and plastic orchid. how i've managed to keep the real one alive so long is a mystery to me too, but i have high hopes for the new one.


i did a mountain of laundry:holy cow did we have a lot of laundry (and yes that's a bra). Mister Man did some, and i did the rest, and it is never-ending! i don't know how two people can have so much laundry. or maybe it just seems like a lot because i have to walk about a half-mile from our apartment to the laundry room....i can make a good case for not working out on laundry day, let me tell you.


i had popcorn for dinner:i ate an entire bowl. normally there are leftovers. what the hell? i can't even blame it on the wine because i only had one glass, so i think i'll blame it on the pms. i'm thinking about making wednesday night popcorn every week, even when the husband is in town. it's a tradition i can get behind.popcorn


i also failed to turn in my translation homework on time (still haven't), my husband went on a business trip, and i binge-watched "arrested development" on netflix in preparation for the new season coming up in may. it's been a fabulous week so far. and surprisingly fast, especially considering that on tuesday i was convinced it was wednesday until about 2:30 in the afternoon. so thank goodness for that!(ed: i feel like the tone of this post is shaky at best...i was going for happy and carefree, but really feel like it sunk to barely hanging on to my sanity by a thread. it really went downhill didn't it? i'm trying! it snowed today, i don't have a lot left in me!)


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mondays aren't all bad.


smiles all around.