
today i have been married to my handsome, loving, wonderful husband for one year. when did that happen? how has it already been a whole year since we walked down that aisle together? i guess that cliché, "time flies when you're having fun" is true. and if the rest of our lives are anything like this year, we'll be at our 50th anniversary before we know it.

the one-year anniversary is traditionally known as the "paper" anniversary (why?), so i'll be writing some nice things on a card to give to Mister Man this year, but i also wanted to share a few of the reasons why i feel so lucky to be his wife here on this virtual paper.


i love the way you make our bed even when we're in hotels.

i love how you have dance parties with me in the kitchen when we're cooking dinner together.

i love the smile that comes over your face when you realize i'm about to start ranting and raving about whatever i feel passionate about at that moment.

i love that instead of saying, "you're welcome"  when i say, "thank you", you say, "you owe me big time".

i love that you watch "dr. who" on netflix with me, no one else has ever wanted to put in the time or nerd out with me like that.

i love your face when you haven't shaved for a few days, it's so scruffy and gingery and perfect.

i love when you cook me breakfast on friday mornings before i leave for work.

i love that you know exactly when to cut me some slack for not working out, and when to kick my butt into gear and get to the gym.

i love the way you say goodnight to me over the phone when you're away on a work trip.

i love all of you, and will forever.


happy anniversary my love. you are the butter on my popcorn. thanks for being my husband.

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blood orange strawberry smash.


friday stuff and things.