prayer cannot always be something that you do in order to get the end that you desire. sometimes prayer has to be unselfish, even when your first instinct is to pray hard for what you's hard to wrap your brain around changing the words from "please, i want..." to "please, do what is best..." because as much as we want to say that we want what is best, sometimes the truth is that we want what is gentle. what is easy. what is best according to us.when all we want to do is to get on our knees and pray that our will be done, to beg and argue that what will make us happiest in this moment is the best way, we need to take a step back. we need to circle it, see it from all angles, stand a little ways from it like it's a van gogh or seurat.when we get to the part that says, "thy will be done", let's stop there and repeat, repeat, repeat. then pray that soon, "i want" and "do what is best" will be one and the prayer today for my loved ones is that He brings peace to those who are in need of it, by bringing them home to Him, or by bringing comfort to them in their sadness.for my grandpa.
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