these days.
after a half day of work, the Mister and i will be on our way to the cabin for a long weekend of play. and this cabin is incredibly quaint in the sense that it gets little to no cell reception, so i will be mostly off the social media train for the next three days. and if that doesn't scream vacation, i don't know what does!(sidenote: my dad used to make us physically leave our phones at home when we took family vacations. he was very anti-connection-outside-the-family-during-family-vacays. and then he got an iphone and it was all over from there, because he realized the beauty of having a camera and group text messaging. although i wouldn't be surprised if he brought that rule back sometime soon. and it will be my fault for bringing it up. the end.)enjoy the long weekend little ones, relax your butts off and eat some hamburgers for me. because this is america, and you should.
these days i’m…eating peaches on everything. most recently, on cherry vanilla granola for breakfast, which was like eating cobbler for breakfast without the guilt. i can't get enough of these things, and i'm thinking i need to make a peach pie next week just so i can rest easy knowing i didn't let the season pass me by.planning the next home improvement project we want to take on. Mister Man really wants to tackle repainting the ugly basement rooms (although they are nothing in comparison to how bad the bathroom was!), but i think it might have to be touching up the paint and painting the baseboards in our bedroom. a boring project, but one you just have to suck up and do.reading that real simple magazine i told you about last week. yep. haven't finished it yet. there always seems to be laundry to do or a dr. who episode to watch, so i'm not exactly surprised...maybe this winter i'll start reading books again?praying for all the lovely friends and family that have gotten married over the last few months. now that we are almost out of wedding season for the year, my hope is that their marriages grow strong and that they keep that newlywed feeling forever. (yes, forever, i do believe that is possible!)wearing pink mustaches with mags and hanna at the lyft launch party in st. paul on thursday. if you haven't heard of lyft, i would highly suggest looking into it if you live in a city where they've launched. it seems like one of the coolest apps/rideshare ideas yet. their launch party was insanely fun! there was a s'mores bar! exclamation point!
drinking water water water because it is hot as hades up here lately! even beer seems like it's too much to handle at these temps, so i'm excited for fall to come so i can back in the festive mood.loving the sidewalk cement poetry around the neighborhood. we used to have a lot of this back in the old neighborhood, and i cannot tell you how overjoyed i was to find even more in the new one! sidewalk poetry is done when people stamp the wet cement with nonsensical poems and phrases, and it's so fun to discover them as you explore the neighborhood. this is one of my favorites:
not loving how much stress i am anticipating at work in the next few weeks. we were told by our manager to more or less hold on to our butts, so we will see how my mood gets as we progress into september. (my wellness coach friend kali would not be happy to read this, but don't worry kali, this is why i'm coming to your workshop! self-care is necessary in this time for sure!)working on establishing a better wakeup time for myself during the week. i'm pretty sick of being rushed to get to the bus on time. i am not anticipating this to be easy, because one cannot coexist as a night owl and an early bird. and it's way easier to be a night owl, let me tell you. give me a quiet, dark house at night over a quiet dark house in the morning any day.