wedding season, it is here.

you can feel it, can't you? that prickle on the back of your neck? that's wedding season my friends. it's here for you. and your wallet. (just kidding, that's super cynical and terrible...but you know what i mean)we had a lovely joint wedding shower for my cousin and cousin's fiancée a couple weekends ago, and the first shower for my friend ashley is this sunday. i'm in charge of games for that one, so you know it's going to be fun! from there, it's full steam ahead for bachelorette parties and the like, then august is ALL weddings. i'm talking every weekend of the month. crazy fun and crazy busy and crazy full of lovely couples making it official. and i do love me some love.hands down, the best part of wedding season is how much doggone dancing i get to do at these weddings. put me on the dance floor for the first song, and if you let me, i'll be there til they kick us out. i don't even need a drink in me to do it (although it helps). in fact, at my wedding, i was stone cold sober and danced until my feet fell off. i got a nice foot rub at the end of the night to make up for it though....from that guy down there.that's my other favorite part about wedding season. i get to dress up in fancy dresses multiple times in one summer and be the date of my dapper husband, who looks pretty dang amazing in suits. the man cleans up nicely. and sometimes i'm even lucky enough to get two handsome dates to these weddings.

the three best friends that anyone could have.

*full disclosure: i wrote this post mostly to get myself pumped up for the crazy summer ahead of us. normally, i dread wedding season, but since we have been graciously included in a couple of the weddings happening this summer, i wanted a different attitude to start everything out. and since attitude is the only thing we control in life, i decided to help myself out a little with this here gush about wedding season. so here i am. woop!


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anxious little mondays part two.


humpday happy list.