these days with baby Z3.

somehow this pregnancy keeps going faster and faster and i'm pretty sure that when the time comes for baby to arrive, it's going to feel like no time at all has passed from beginning to end, even though i will have done the following during this pregnancy:

  • started a new job while working my old job
  • quit my old job
  • became a mostly stay at home mom
  • got our house ready to sell
  • sold our house
  • moved in with my in-laws (and potentially purchased a new house, who knows at this point)

it goes without saying that i'm pretty tired, but also somehow feeling really good? sometimes i forget i'm pregnant, then i (try to) get out of bed and i remember right away. the running around after toddlers thing helps a lot.this week i've been feeling the baby move around a lot more, and the kids have really started to grasp that i'm growing a baby, so it's been really fun to have them hug my belly and say goodnight to the baby every night. William even offers the baby his nuk at night sometimes by putting his extra one up to my belly. it's enough to make a heart explode.23 weeks

the above photo was me at 24 weeks with Amelia (the first time i had enough bump for a photo).

the above photo was me at 24 weeks with William.

excuse the mess, i'm (still) staging shelves and packing unnecessary items away.

how far along: 24 weeks (ugh i'm like 25 at time of posting basically, what is wrong with me?).i’m feeling: really dang good. no real aches and pains yet, which is awesome. at this point with William, i was having round ligament pain, and i think i'm not having that this time thanks to not working my desk job anymore. i've worked out a couple times since my last update, and that's been weight gain: i'm up 12 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. i'm definitely closer to my weight gain with Amelia's pregnancy, although physically i look more like i did with William. so weird how you can look bigger but have gained the same amount...bodies are so Z3’s size: this week, baby is the size of an ear of corn. baby is getting stronger now too!this week: we had lots of excitement thanks to the 4th of july holiday and my goddaughter's baptism, plus we* finished the outside projects to get the house ready to sell.*by "we", i mean Mister Man.maternity clothes: i'm living in my sister's borrowed clothes, and just ordered a maternity stitch fix. i can't style myself for maternity, so i'm having my peer mentor style me and i'm really excited!sleep: i'm getting about six hours a night, and for the past few weeks the kids have actually been staying asleep so it's been straight through which is awesome (except the last two nights of solo parenting, Amelia decided 4am was a good time to get up and tell me about her night so that wasn't awesome).best moment this week: watching the kids become more and more engaged with the baby and interacting with my belly.movement: this baby is going to be strong like its brother and sister. both my mom and grandma commented on how strong the kicks were...they're definitely not just cravings: not really! it's been SUPER hot here so i haven't been feeling all that hungry in aversions: vegetables have been easier to eat lately, and i find that fresh, cut-up veggies are the easiest for me to stomach.belly button in or out: when she saw me in a bikini the other day, Amelia asked me if i still had a belly button, so....looking forward to: being able to relax a little bit more once this house stuff is done, and enjoying the final few months of this pregnancy.

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these days with baby Z3.


these days with baby Z3.