these days with baby Z3.

happy baby blog post day!today has been a day of miracles. first, i was up at 4:30, which wasn't great but i got my work done and some quiet time before William woke up. then he and i got some quality play time in because Amelia slept until 8:15 and probably would have slept until 10:00 but i woke her up for a playdate at the park. the kids got ready so nicely, and we then spent almost 3 hours at the park and the miracle here is that my mom friend and i actually got to talk to each other because our kids played so nicely together. i'm so sad that i'm moving just as i'm finding good neighborhood friends.the second part of the miracle day is that as i'm writing this, BOTH KIDS ARE NAPPING. do you even understand how rare and beautiful this is??? it's amazing. i'm floating on the clouds right now. this blog post brought to you by my kids naps which will not happen again for approximately six's post is solely baby focused, i've been getting lots of questions about house stuff so i'm going to do a coffee date post with some updates on that. thanks for bearing with me while this blog becomes "these days with baby Z3" instead of "everything with love". i love you all for that.

the above photo was me at 28 weeks with Amelia. and also before i knew the wonders of an eyebrow pencil?

the above photo was me at 28 weeks with William.

28 weeks with baby Z3.

how far along: 28 weeks (but actually 29 because i'm nothing if not consistently late for everything).i’m feeling: pretty pregnant. yea, i feel real pregnant now. third trimester hit and it was like okay you had your easy time, now it's go time. like, when i roll over to get out of bed, all i hear is my hips popping. it's unsettling, but also very familiar. and when i read my past pregnancy posts i apparently had been feeling all sorts of aches and pains between weeks 24 and 28, and (knock on wood) i haven't been feeling any of that this time. it will come, i'm not worried about missing out on it completely but i must be in relatively good condition for round three!total weight gain: i’m up 15 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. i'm similar in weight gain to Amelia's pregnancy and similar in size to William's pregnancy, measuring about 1-2 weeks small. who knows why these things happen the way they do? baby Z3’s size: this week, baby is the size of an eggplant, which means he or she weighs about as much as an eggplant (around 2 1/4 pounds) and is about 15 inches long.this week: i passed my 3-hour glucose test! in my other pregnancies i failed the 1-hour test both times and had to do the 3-hour test and passed both times. i said after it happened with William that i was going to go straight to the 3-hour test to skip the stress, and i did this time! and sure enough, i passed, so there is still ice cream in this mama's future. which reminds me, i haven't been eating nearly enough ice cream this pregnancy, i've apparently been focused on the million and one other things i have to do.maternity clothes: i have literally quit caring about what i wear. ALTHOUGH. guys, i know i work for stitch fix now, but i have to tell you how good my maternity Fix was. my stylist just absolutely killed it, and i kept everything and i live in it all now because it's comfy and it fits and it's cute.sleep: it's fine. unless the kids (ahem, Amelia) wake up, i pretty much stay asleep. and i am milking that for all it's moment this week: realizing that the kids play so well together and it might actually be easier to have an infant plus other kids/toddlers now that they're older and have built-in playmates.movement: oh yes. if i have a super active day, like the day we staged our whole house at once, then baby is quieter, but most days i have lots of periods of movement. baby seems to like the nighttime exercise which isn't my favorite, but i do love that cravings: nada. see the above comment on my lack of ice cream eating. does coffee count as a food craving? because i am aching to mainline coffee all day long. also beer. i can't wait for beer. i'm so pumped that it will be pumpkin beer season when i have this baby. i don't have a problem, i just really miss beer this time you aversions: nothing too bad actually. i eat basically everything with no issues.belly button in or out: i literally just don't have a belly button anymore. it's gone.looking forward to: moving. kind of. not really, but you know what i mean. i'm looking forward to being done with moving. that's accurate.

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coffee date.


these days with baby Z3.