coffee date.

it's pretty insane around these parts right now. it felt right to take a break and have coffee with some of my favorite people, who i (literally) never get to see. i told ashten the other day that since i can't have coffee with her in person, her coffee date posts are the next best thing to getting together to hear about her life. that's how i hope these are for you guys too, because i would seriously love to have coffee in person with all of you.if we were on a coffee date…i would have saved my daily caffeine for our date and would start chugging my latte right away. because pregnant or no, mama needs her caffeine. then i would tell you about how absolutely crazy i feel right now. between Mister Man's travels, house selling and buying, swim lessons, preschool registration, moving, and you know, being in my third trimester, i'm hanging on by a thread. don't get me wrong, there are a lot of really fun things going on too, like bachelorette parties and concerts and my sister's upcoming wedding(!), so i'm trying to enjoy the fun and not let the stressful stuff get in the way. however, any advice for making more hours in the day appear would be super appreciated.if we were on a coffee date…i'd tell you that i'm trying to be a good mom through all of this stuff going on, but that if we're being honest (can i be honest with you?), my kids are watching altogether too much television so that i can make phone calls and respond to emails about financing and everything else that needs to be done within business hours. don't get me wrong, we still go to the park and play bob the builder with our trucks and blocks but most mornings start with tv, and it takes everything in me to not put on a movie for the entire time between dinner and bed. the one thing that makes me feel better is that we don't own other screens for them to be on during the day, so at least they're getting pbs when i'm doing subpar momming. i'm really hoping you're going to make me feel better about this and tell me it's normal.if we were on a coffee date…i'd ask how you were doing these days. i've been praying for a lot of people lately, and if you need some i'll gladly add you to my list. i feel like i'm getting to an age where more bad stuff happens, just because we've lived more life. people get divorces, parents and friends get sick, friends lose babies, and it feels like we're too young for all that crap to even be possible, but we're not. so prayer is my way of getting through it, and feeling like i'm doing something to alleviate the pain.if we were on a coffee date…i'd ask if you had any great audiobooks you'd recommend. i'm getting the itch to read again, but let's be honest, reading a real book is not going to happen in the near future. there will be MANY opportunities to listen to books though, like when i'm cleaning my house for the move, when i'm nursing a baby in the middle of the night, when i'm styling for work, etc. i am not up on the current fiction at all, and honestly, my go-to is just to re-read harry potter or something i've already read, because i know that i'm going to like it. it's so hard for me to want to read something new, because i don't want to invest the time if i'm not going to enjoy it. that sounds so lame, but it's just true right now. so give me all the recommendations. i also like non-fiction, self-helpy type books if you have any of those.let's have a big hug before we go our separate ways. thank you so much for making the time to sit for coffee with me, and for not judging my parenting skills at this juncture of life. i'm off to raise my children now, both of whom napped again today, which means that deep down they must actually like me, subpar momming and all.

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writer's block.


these days with baby Z3.