these days with baby Z3.

happy jicama baby week!this post is later than usual even because i realized that i didn't know where a full-size mirror was in my in-laws' house. i ended up finding one (hope that's okay kimmy!) and finally got a photo of this belly of mine.another reason this post is late is that my brain is running on overdrive. and pregnancy brain+mother of toddlers brain+moving logistics brain = mashed potato brain. for example, i called my sister the other day, only to find out i had already returned her call and spoken to her an hour and a half earlier, i just had ZERO recollection of it. and yet i'm allowed to raise humans and drive a car, so take that for what it's worth. i'm trying to coordinate getting contractor quotes for a couple minor house projects, scheduling said projects, making sure everyone is ready for my sister's wedding and that everyone can be where they need to be on a day to day basis, so there isn't much left outside of that particular moment that i feel capable of handling.i honestly think that the birth of this baby will mark the first relaxed period of time since may for our family. which sounds insane, but it's true and i cannot wait.

the above photo was me at 32 weeks with Amelia.

the above photo was me at 32 weeks with William.

32 weeks with baby Z3.

how far along: 32 weeks (but actually 33 because duh).i’m feeling: very VERY very pregnant. mostly because i'm so incredibly tired every damn day. like, can barely haul my butt out of bed and can barely stay awake the rest of the day. although i'm actually feeling physically really good still. out of my three pregnancies, somehow this one is the best of them physically, i'm not too sore yet, i can move around really well, and generally just feeling well, albeit weight gain: i’m up 20 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. i'm actually feeling like i should be bigger? is that strange? i mean, i am very pregnant looking, but because of how insane things have been, i honestly haven't been eating too much (and probably should be eating a bit more). and don't get it twisted, i get regular comments about how i look like i'm about to give birth RIGHT NOW, so maybe i'm Z3’s size: this week, baby is the size of a jicama, which means he or she weighs about 3 pounds and is about 16 inches long. JICAMA BABY!this week: not exactly baby related, but it is life-related, we closed on the sale of our old house this week. it was actually not as sad as i thought it would be. we ended up selling to a really wonderful newlywed couple who absolutely love our sweet house and will take the best care of it and fill it with as much love and life as we did (okay now i'm crying). it's really nice to have that chapter closed now, so we can focus on the next big events: my sister's wedding, closing on our new house(!), moving again, and having this sweet baby, hopefully in that order.maternity clothes: i mean at this point i should just pick one outfit and wear it everyday, because that's about how much i care.sleep: i sleep. sometimes not a lot. sometimes a little more. i don't know, by this third pregnancy, i'm just so used to not being fully rested, it seems like a moot point. best moment this week: hearing baby's strong heartbeat. i don't know why, i just love it and some weeks it hits me harder than others.movement: good lord this baby moves. and there is not very much room in there so it's become pretty jabby now. all my babies are jabby, why is that?food cravings: see above. i am super into orange foods right now i guess? peaches, pumpkins, cheetos, goldfish crackers. weird, i just realized that i eat a lot of orange foods right now, why is that?food aversions: nothing at all. i just don't feel like eating anything really. no room anymore. belly button in or out: i asked William to do a belly button check the other day and he was very confused because he couldn't find it.looking forward to: my sister's wedding and having a new home. my whole life is basically revolving around waiting to nest in this new place.

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these days with baby Z3.


writer's block.