these days with baby Z3.

another day, another baby post.okay, so since we're getting so close to the big day, i have a poll for all of you: based on the photo comparisons, is the vote for a baby boy or baby girl based on how i'm carrying? i would love to hear opinions!nothing much new here. still pregnant. still muddling along trying to keep everything straight while buying a house and solo parenting for quite a lot of days in a row. looking SO forward to the first week of october when Mister Man will be home for a long time and the kids can be mad at me for some other reason than because daddy is gone.

the above photo was me at 34 weeks with Amelia.

the above photo was me at 34 weeks with William.

34 weeks with baby Z3.

how far along: 34 weeks (but actually 35 duuuuuuuuhhhh).i’m feeling: like i'm waiting for the other shoe to drop on how good i'm feeling. basically, i feel like i have no right to feel this physically well at this far along in my pregnancy. it's kind of crazy, and i'm planning on going to the chiropractor next week to preempt what i think will be a crazy catching up in the discomfort weight gain: 21 pounds at my last appointment. i'm on track to match the gain i had with amelia, and i'm not really surprised based on how much i've been moving Z3’s size: this week, baby is the size of a cantaloupe, about 4 3/4 lbs. and 18 inches long. i've said this before and it's still true - the melon and gourd references really freak me out at this point in the pregnancy.this week: i'm starting to make plans to do some freezer meals in bags, because i won't really have a freezer available to me until we move into the new house, and those seem like the quickest to make. did i mention we won't be in the new house until 10 days before the due date? no big deal guys, it's gonna be fine!maternity clothes: thank the good lord that it's getting to be chilly fall weather because it makes the leggings much more bearable to wear, and that's all i want to be in these days.sleep: same as it ever was. just moment this week: well, my sister got married!! it was an amazing party celebrating such an amazing couple. and i managed to stay until the very end, it was that great. i've now been pregnant at three out of my three married siblings weddings, which is a pretty weird record to have. i've made a promise to my husband and myself that i will not be pregnant at the last sibling's wedding, but saying that out loud might be tempting fate so maybe i should take it back.movement: so much jabbing! why are my babies so jabby? it's insane how much a tiny melon-sized baby can move in such a small cravings: nothing. i've been trying to eat more often in the day, and this baby definitely deserves more ice cream than it's been getting. so i'm doing my duty aversions: nope, just no room at all!belly button in or out: you all know the answer to that question. and i'm sure if you never heard about my belly button again you would be so happy.looking forward to: closing on our house! i cannot wait to have that done and get the process to move in day going. i am determined to be in the house before this baby decides to get here!

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these days with baby Z3.


these days with baby Z3.