coffee date.

oh hello there! i don't know what's come over me, but i had an urge for a coffee date. maybe it's because i'm so tired that all i can think about is coffee these days? maybe it's because i have lots of random thoughts and want to chat with you about them? either way, i'm taking whatever inspiration i can get these days, so here we are. as i write (part of) this, my two older kids are watching a winnie the pooh movie in the playroom and the littlest one is boycotting her nap and giving me the side-eye from her rock 'n play, so i also have to write whenever i get the chance and the inspiration.



if we were having coffee, we'd probably be having it at my house, and i'd be drinking mine out of this mug: it's my favorite mug of all time and i will never stop loving it. mostly because it's exactly how i feel before getting my coffee in the morning - half asleep, slightly grumpy.

if we were on a coffee date...i'd ask you how your holidays were, and how the new year has been so far. we got to celebrate our first christmas in our new house and as a family of five this year, and we made it the most relaxing christmas we've ever had. we're talking pajamas all day long for too many days in a row, cuddling, and too much sugar. well, not for the baby, but for the rest of us. we also all came down with the worst crud known to man immediately after the new year, and while it stinks to have sick kids, i actually got the worst of it. i NEVER get sick, and when i say never, i mean that the last time i got really ill was six years ago, two years before i had children. this time, however, was a doozy. and Mister Man was out of town. thank goodness for moms and mothers-in-law who will come take care of you and your children when you can't move any part of your body. this is why you live near family people!

if we were on a coffee date...i'd ask if you are a resolution person, word of the year person, or just try to survive person? i switch back and forth depending on the year, and this year we are falling hard in the "try to survive" camp. i'm confident we'll do it, but it's about all we can handle at this point. if you're a little more ambitious than we are, what are your goals this year? let me know!

if we were on a coffee date...i'd also ask you if there is any way i can pray for you this week/month/year. i've been really trying to make my prayer life more intentional lately, because i've found that it helps me feel so much more connected to God and to my faith, and truly, it helps keeps any stress or anxiety at bay. i decided to try out the blessed is she planner for this year, and it's been so helpful with making this happen. it has prayers written out in the front, it has a specific place to write down weekly intentions, and it has reminders for when to start special novenas. it also has all the great things like meal planning and to-dos and daily schedules, but the addition of prayer reminders has been my favorite part. so please let me know if i can add you to my intentions.

if we were on a coffee date...i'd tell you that it's about to get really, incredibly, stupidly cold here this week, so we're probably going to be stuck in the house for a few days. over our coffee we'd probably chat about different tactics for fighting cabin fever. our go-tos here are baking, making homemade playdough, hammering nails into cardboard boxes (no seriously, this keeps the older kids entertained for hours), scootering in the basement, and indulging in just enough winnie the pooh movies to make it through to quiet time. let's be honest, cabin fever is definitely harder on me than the kids, but no one wants to be stuck inside for days on end, so you gotta make the best of it.

if we were on a coffee date...i'd explain how i've been thinking a lot lately about friendships and how weird and great they are, and i'd tell you how, for the first time in a long time, i feel very at peace with where mine are at. it's taken me three kids to realize that sometimes your life has to have different priorities and will look a little different than you maybe want it to until your social life looks familiar again. and that some friends won't understand that, and it's okay that they don't. because some friends will. they'll understand that sometimes babies nap for so long (and so out of character) that you have to bail on plans. they'll be okay meeting for a last-minute coffee that you snuck out of the house for on a saturday. they'll be okay using facetime as a substitute to face to face time. you'd listen nicely and then probably tell me to stop taking myself so seriously and i would agree wholeheartedly.


thanks for having coffee with me, it's been a while, and it's always nice to check in here about something other than the kids. i mean, i know some of you come here for the baby photos so i will still keep this baby-heavy, but it's nice to bring back the original blogging feel sometimes. there aren't enough of us "blog about nothing" non-curated bloggers left, so hopefully you're okay that i'm still one of them.

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bernadette: three months old.


bernadette: two months old.