if you were around last year, you'll remember that Mister Man and i celebrate our anniversary with the traditional gift rules. year two is cotton, hence the name of this post.
year two of the mister man/erin tale was eventful. to say the least. year one brought lots of fun, quite a few vacations, but nothing huge in the grander life sense. whereas year two kicked off with us putting an offer on a house, and we haven't slowed down since. see my belly for visual proof of this (winky face).i never really realized how love worked until i experienced what it was like to be so deeply in love with someone that you don't think you can love them any more than you already do, and then all of a sudden you wake up and realize that somehow you love them more today than you did yesterday. now, after two years of being married to my favorite person, i'm just beginning to understand how this is possible. and i'm seeing it happen in a big way.
mister man is going to be a great dad, and the reason i know this is not because i've seen him around so many babies, but because he's such a great husband. he takes such good care of me, and he provides for our family in a way that only he can. he makes me laugh and he is there for me through anything and everything. and if that isn't a recipe for a good dad, i don't know what is.sometimes i look back at this year and i wonder how, with all the craziness, there weren't more arguments had. but i think that when you have a partner who is 100% dedicated to making a wonderful life with you, forever, until death do you part and beyond, there's no need to argue. that doesn't mean you don't have serious discussions, or disagreements, because that would be silly/impossible (and i'm nothing if not a realist). but it does mean that there is no "meanness" in those discussions, no hurt being laid on the other, just an effort to talk and understand.
two years is just a drop in the bucket for this man and i. God-willing, we have decades left to love each other and enjoy our lives together. and i will not be taking any one of those (many) years for granted, because every day that i wake up next to him, i know how lucky i am.he'll laugh at me for the sappiness of this little post, but i know he agrees with me. and i want to make sure we remember what the end of year two looked like for us: one year of homeownership under our belt. our first baby on the way. lots of sappy love everywhere.
i've said it before, but i'll say it again: thank you for being the butter on my popcorn Mister Man. being married to you is one of the great joys of my life.
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