amelia: ten months old.
our baby started walking and our world has not ended.i mean, it's been crazy. but it's been even more fun! i have a little shadow in the house, she follows me everywhere, and she even explores her own little world now. there is nothing funnier than watching her take a hot lap around the kitchen table and then run into the kitchen laughing like she knows what she just did is the coolest.
it's totally exhausting making sure she doesn't bring any bodily harm to herself, but other than that, i have no complaints. it doesn't hurt that she started sleeping through the night and taking awesome naps once she started walking go girl!i've decided that parenting is great for this reason: it's one of the only things in life that just keeps getting more awesome as time goes one. each month is my new favorite. i didn't think anything could ever beat the first month with my baby, and yet i'm impossibly having more and more fun as time goes on. how does that work? it has to be magic. being a mom is great because it's magic.
this month amelia gets to spend more time with her aunt and uncles that live far away, she gets to go to the lake for the first time, and on her first road trip! i can't wait to watch her experience all that new stuff for the first time. GAH! and it all of a sudden just hit me that she's going to be ONE in TWO MONTHS!?!? whoa. joey lawrence whoa.
hey miss amelia. you're pretty cool. you and your dad and i are already having so much fun together, and i can't even imagine how much fun is ahead for us. i love having you as my shadow. you can follow me forever. love you mucho little one.
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