william: seven months old.
in the last update (you know, the one that was 6 weeks late, so really just posted for me to have a record that my child had a six month milestone...), i mentioned that William had made leaps and bounds from six to seven months, and you guys, i think i finally realized why he never sleeps.our little homeboy has decided to pretty much learn everything with the span of four weeks. and the next four are probably not going to be much different. between six and seven months, William learned to pull to standing - on EVERYTHING. he learned to crawl. he learned how to stand up and yell in his crib before bedtime. the sheer brain and muscle power all of it takes is shocking. he's pretty amazing, and i am in awe of him every single day. i mean, the sleep, as ALWAYS, could be better, but the exhaustion is so temporary that i am confident i will make it through this alive...most days.here is what mister William was like between six and seven months:William loves food. he loves it. he will eat anything (much like his sister), and in any form (very unlike his sister). she strictly loved purees until almost eight months, while he is very into gumming mushy veggies whenever he can. it's so funny, because he has no teeth and it's very hard for him to do, but he loves it! he is now eating rice cereal, prunes, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, apples, pears, and some puffs. he's also had a couple tastes of watermelon and is very into it. i've been making new purees as i think of it, and i'll usually steam up some frozen peas/carrots until they're soft enough for him to munch on. i love baby feeding!
i'm not going to talk about this much more, but let me just put this on the record here: William will be walking by eight and half months. that's my prediction. my daughter was a crazy early walker at nine and half months, but i'm betting that he will have her beat. he seriously thinks he can walk already, so we've had a lot of faceplants happening around here. he loves getting walked around while hanging on to our fingers, and is pretty proficient at it, and while he likes crawling, you can tell that being upright is his jam. i'm not sure what it is about Mister Man and i that makes our children like this, but there has to be something to the combination of our genes where the children we make are kind of freakish with their motor skills. too bad they'll all be too short to do any kind of athletic sport professionally...
i didn't think it was possible, but somehow my happy baby boy is getting even more smiley by the day. he is very quick with a grin to anybody who smiles at him, and will reach his arms out to almost anyone and be totally fine in their arms. he likes to know that dad and i are nearby, and has very strong preferences about his favorite people (dad, amelia, the grandparents and his uncle mark), but is seriously so social and joyful! he's starting to show more emotions with that too, like when Amelia cries or is upset, he will have sympathy tears quite often, and he also gets mad if you aren't quick enough with getting the food from the bowl to his mouth. we lucked out in the mood department with this kid, let me tell you. he's a lover, not a crier.
little william: your personality is bursting at the seams these days, and it's so fun to see you grow into your own little person. time is moving way too fast for me, you are losing more of your baby-ness each day and growing up before my eyes. it's exciting to watch, but also moving faster than i can handle! i know that with your sweetness, you'll always stay my baby boy (even though dad is your favorite). thanks for still snuggling with me when you know i need a fix.
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