william: six months old.
oh boy you guys. i am pretty dang tired (in my head, i always say "pretty dang" in Amelia's voice...she says it with a cowboy voice and it's the best!). six months brought a lot of great stuff to our lives, but sleep was not one of them. oooohhhhh no it was not one of them. if I had to sum it up, six months gaveth all the gross motor skills, and tooketh all the sleep.let's get to it, shall we? (keep in mind, William is now seven months old, and has made a lot of leaps and bounds, which i will talk about in his seven month update, which will hopefully be up over the weekend. at this point, the time to upload the pictures is what's killing me with these updates, but it's important for me to have these, so on i will march!)here is what mister William was like between five and six months:i don't know what it is about my children, but they have this innate need to be on the go ALL THE TIME. if they are not constantly moving, they are not happy. this is the main way that Amelia and William are so much alike. the moving. it's insane!if my baby boy is not sleeping or eating (quickly), he is moving, or whining about wanting to move more. between five and six months he learned to sit by himself and push to sitting. and now that he's learned that, all he wants to do is be able to crawl or stand up on things. as of six months, he's close to the crawling, and i'm guessing the standing won't be far behind. and this is all exciting! but when my kids are learning new skills, they don't sleep well. and since he's learning all the skills, there is not much sleep happening at night. i've been telling myself that it's temporary, but that gets harder day by day.
one of my favorite parts of having a growing baby is the part where they start to eat solids. William is SO FUN to feed! he gets so jacked up to get the spoon to his mouth. so far he's eaten rice cereal, homemade applesauce, prunes, and pureed sweet potatoes (yes, we feed our babies rice cereal. we also feed them homemade fruit and veggie purees. i sometimes let them suck on pickles. eventually we will let them eat things that contain sugar. if you have a problem with any of these things, you can email me at mindyabusiness@calmdown.com). we will be starting carrots, avocados, peas, and pears soon. we're taking it slow because Amelia has had some gut issues in the past, so by the time we get to a few more foods he'll almost be ready for cheerios and puffs!
[parents. of. the. year.]
little william: even though you keep me awake at night, you are worth it. and those smiles pretty much make up for anything you'll ever do. watching you and your sister together is one of the great joys of my life, and i will never get tired of how you look at her. thank you for being so perfectly matched to our family.
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