these days with baby Z3.
i really love the fact that i did “these days with baby z.” and "these days with baby zee" posts when i was pregnant with Amelia and William. i can look back and see how i was feeling every few weeks, how big my belly was, and the things i remember about being pregnant. i remember almost nothing from pregnancy to pregnancy, so it's good for me to see that what i'm experiencing is either typical or new for me too.just like last time, even though blogging has fallen by the wayside, i do want to have those same memories with this pregnancy, so i will be starting my updates again (monthly at first, biweekly towards the end), and this time they’ll be titled “these days with baby Z3.” so i can differentiate the weeks for this pregnancy change on thursdays, so my updates will be on fridays, at the beginning of my current week. that way i’ll have had my doctor’s appointments and will have my updated stats and all that fun stuff.
the above photo was me at 24 weeks with Amelia (the first time i had enough bump for a photo).
the above photo was me at 16 weeks with William.
how far along: 16 weeks (well, 17, because of course i'm late).i’m feeling: so much more like myself now. this pregnancy has been the worst in terms of first trimester crappiness. i think that i was so fatigued from running around after two crazy kids that my extra exhaustion turned into pretty intense nausea. so i was basically trying to just make it through the day every day until a week or two ago. some of that may have been due to the extreme stress i was under with leaving my job and starting a new (very different) one, but either way it feels good to feel good again. now if i could just get my muscle back so working out doesn't hurt so badly every single weight gain: up 2 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. i had a one pound loss in the first trimester, which i’m guessing is because i was running around after a toddler by myself, so technically i’ve gained 3 overall. i have a feeling that my weight gain may be strange this pregnancy, and a lot of it will come at the end. lots of it (as i'm sure i will say often) is probably due to the whole having two toddlers in my home and not having time for anything anymore. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: i have said it before, and after going through it twice in different ways, i believe it even more wholeheartedly. our bodies know what we need when we’re pregnant, and as long as we are thoughtful about taking care of them (eating mostly healthy, getting some exercise every so often, etc.) weight gain while pregnant is not something that is in our control. embracing it without worry is better for our stress levels than worrying if we’ve gained too much too early, or why we’re gaining if we’re eating right and moving our bodies. women’s bodies are amazing, and if we trust them, they’ll do right by us. it doesn't mean that embracing it is easy, but shifting our perspective is Z3’s size: this week, baby is the size of an avocado (4.5 inches long and 3.5 oz.). and now i want some avocado toast.this week: nothing really happened, pregnancy-wise. people can tell i'm pregnant now, so i get a lot of meaningful looks, but nothing too crazy.maternity clothes: oh yes, since 12 weeks. i was just happy that it wasn't earlier than that! i wasn't in maternity clothes until almost the third trimester with Amelia, and then with William, BOOM, 12 weeks rolled around and there was no messing around. so i'll take 12 weeks.sleep: guess what's back? back again? snoogle's back. tell a friend. my deep love, the snoogle, is back in my bed and i'm so happy. sleep is okay right now, my other children are usually up at least once every other night, which i'm used to. the worst thing now is that if their wake up is after 4am, there is no going back to bed for me. but that's moment this week: Amelia and William giving baby hugs and kisses.movement: nothing yet, but i think there will be some in the next two weeks or so. we did hear a great heartbeat at the 16-week appointment, so that was cravings: pickle and peanut butter sandwiches and nachos. so i'm basically a pregnant caricature of aversions: vegetables are still a little tough for me, but i'm wolfing them down for baby's sake.belly button in or out: it’s still in, but we all know that it's only a matter of time before it gives up.looking forward to: feeling little baby movements and seeing the little one in
a month three weeks at our ultrasound.
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