bernadette: seven months old.
ohhhhhhh i'm two months behind, but my love for my baby is still oh so strong. and sweet bernadette, if someday you read this, my goal is to get caught up enough so that your one year post is only one month late. see, i'm so realistic, i didn't even say i was going to try to make it on time.
(you may notice this photo is identical to the one from last month. because i straight forgot to take one during month seven. mom wins all over the place up in here.)
Bernadette had a great seventh month. she finally got teeth! that was awesome, both came in at once, but can i tell you how amazing she was? easily my easiest teething baby, she barely even acted like anything was happening. when i think about how many bottles of ibuprofen we went through with the other two, this seemed like a cake walk. she also started crawling and is pleased as punch about it. i've never seen a baby more proud of herself than her when she finally started to figure it out.
still not sleeping through the night, but you know what, we're down to one wake up a night, and i can do that. i still need coffee, but not ALL the coffee, and that's a big deal when you've already drank all the coffee for the past six months. Bernie girl is also a fabulous eater. there is no food that she won't touch. this month, she started to try some more solid-ish foods and i'm pretty sure she is basically over the whole puree thing now. she's the earliest of our kiddos to protest the mushed up foods that are so easy to feed babies. because cutting up foods takes up so much of my life it's not even funny. but also it's cool that she wants to eat real food now.Bernadette is officially obsessed with her brother and sister. if they're ever gone, she just sits and looks at me like, "what am i supposed to do with just you here?". every morning she loves to see them and honestly it's kind of irritating sometimes because she would rather watch them than nurse. but also it's amazing because the way they love her is just so beautiful.
oh yea, she also decided to start standing in her crib this month. so that's a thing. look how proud and also a little smug she looks.
miss Bernadette: i mean i will always want you to sleep through the night more, but also i will want to snuggle you for as long as i possibly can and night time is the best way to do that. so you can wait a little bit. we love you so much and are having more fun with you each month that passes.
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