bernadette: ten months old.
and we have a walker!yes this is the same photo as last month, it happened again okay?we are now three for three on babies who walked at 9.5 months or earlier. Amelia was 9.5 months, William was 8 months, and Bernadette was just earlier than Amelia. are you kidding me with this?? at least i knew what to expect with this one, because there is nothing like having an infant toddler you guys. they do not understand words, they have no sense of bodily safety, and just generally run around like drunk people. it also is one of the funniest things to witness, especially since my babies are so tiny and bald but also can run around on two legs.
the sleeping through the night has continued since last month which i am a big fan of, if we're being very chill about this. really i'm over here like throwing a party. Bernadette is actually my best sleeper now. i can't remember if i've said it here before, but the biggest parenting lie you will ever be told (listen well new moms) is that once your baby sleeps through the night, that's when you're in the clear. like, great, they did it, now you get to sleep through the night every night too. LIES. LIES LIES LIES. my toddler and five year old are way worse sleepers than the baby now, because sickness and nightmares and just being human beings who wake up like adults but don't understand how to get comfy again. but yes, Bernadette is my current favorite child because i can rely on her to sleep through the night. for now.
Bernadette is literally the happiest baby. she loves being around people, she will smile at everyone in the grocery store, at church, on walks, at family gatherings, literally anywhere. if i had a dollar for every time people have stopped me to tell me how cute and precocious she is, i would be able to go on a pretty nice vacation. by myself. because self care.
miss Bernadette: you are officially a walker! i hope that you feel proud of yourself because we are very proud of you. and also unsure of what to do with all these mobile children but that's neither here nor there. thanks for being such a delight in every way. we love you to pieces.
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