airplane travel and obsessive behavior.
i've been traveling an awful lot lately and really, in the past year in general. maybe this means i'm in a new phase in my life? where i count how many nights in a row i get to sleep in my own bed, trying to beat each previous record? maybe. either way, it got me noodling a bit on how airplane travel makes me, how shall we say, a bit obsessive compulsive. i realized that i have my routine down to a science when i'm getting ready/leaving for a trip. shall we examine my weird?1. i write down my outfits for each day and then roll them into my suitcase, shoes at the bottom, then casual clothes, then nice clothes on top. i must pack extra underwear (at least two more than i will probably need, because better safe than sorry dude!), and even if i will not have time to work out, the gear is always there. the rolling gives me more room, and planning the outfits gives me no excuse to have extra clothes with me. i used to be an overpacker to the extreme before i started traveling so often, and now i'm more likely to wear the same shirt everyday on a trip than overpack. (backpacks are miracles too...i've been using Mister Man's lately, but i've been looking for a more girly one...see my pinterest for examples, and give me some ideas!) i've talked about my special love for dressing up for airplane travel before. i always plan my travel outfit when i'm packing and lay it out so i can just hop into it the morning i leave. something about wasting brainpower on clothing the morning of a trip seems daunting to me. i always wear comfy pants and a loose shirt, although i wore a maxi dress the other day, having come straight from a wedding shower...i may have a new airplane uniform! i also make sure to ALWAYS bring a scarf, even in the dog days of summer, because airplanes are so cold and those plane blankets are harder to find than a sober amanda bynes.3. once i get to the airport, i always park in the lot that lets me get to the quick security line. here in msp, we have a checkpoint only for carry-on and business travelers. It has never taken me more than 5-10 minutes to get through from start to finish, so i can cut it pretty close to my boarding time without worrying about lines. and those workers are so nice! i always smile and have a fun little chat with them, and i have yet to meet a cranky worker at that checkpoint. (always smile at the TSA workers people! even the cranky ones...)4. after security, i head for my gate. on the way, without fail, i stop for a skim vanilla latte. doesn't matter from where, depending what terminal i'm in, i could stop at any coffeeshop, as long as they have the goods. i don't know, the calcium helps my tummy with any hunger pangs or nerves or something. (the backpack comes in handy here when you need to carry your latte, so utilitarian!) (also, i instagram a LOT in airports, so if you follow me @hooleywithaz, i'm sorry if you've seen these before.)
5. we all know what waiting to board the plane is like. hell. crowded, filled with terrible people hell. i don't have any tips or ocd for that step. i usually just black out when they call me boarding zone and come to when i've gotten to my seat.6. probably the weirdest thing about my airplane routine is what i do at takeoff. storytime! when we were little and taking airplane rides as a family, my dad would tell all the kids that in order for the plane to take off, we all had to press the button on our armrests from taxi until the plane was well into the air. and holy crap did i take that seriously. it took me until i was about, oh, 13 years old, to figure out that the plane could fly without me pressing the "takeoff button". (don't laugh. what if it was real and me not pressing the button was the reason something crashed?! yea, think about that.) and the moral of the story is that i still do this. on every single flight. and i've instructed Mister Man to do the same. and our kids will be told this same lie. that, ritual time is over. the weirdness has mostly been contained, at least until my return trip. i kick back and try to keep myself occupied until we land, which lately has consisted of making plans for this here bliggity blog. i have some fun stuff planned for july. you kiddos like simple syrups and cocktails, right? that's why we're friends, i knew you guys were the best.
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