when life gives you green tomatoes.
...make fried green tomatoes.and people, i have a lot of green tomatoes right now. the lovely prior owners of our house planted bell pepper and tomato plants out back. and they are flourishing! i've even been able to pick a few peppers which have been delicious (there is just something about homegrown veggies).the only issue is that the tomatoes just.won't.ripen. apparently this is a common issue this year with the tomatoes, they just aren't ripening, something about the weather and a late spring. so there are green tomatoes coming out my butt right now. i had to strip about 15 off the plants last night, and it was killing me that they were going to go to waste.so last night while my husband trimmed up the crazy hedge in the backyard, i decided to buck up and make fried green tomatoes. which is super minnesotan of me. except not at all. i'm pretty sure i've never had fried green tomatoes in my life, mostly because i've spent very little time below the mason-dixon line, and it's just not something we eat up in the northland.
i found a recipe on slate.com that didn't require cornmeal, and modified it for what i had on hand at the time. and you guys. i totally get it now. i understand why they are a precious food, and i understand why they named a movie after them. fried green tomatoes are a perfect metaphor. you take something that isn't at all at its best, and you turn it into something wonderful. slow clap for the south, you did something right with these babies.
fried green tomatoes (no cornmeal) - slightly modified from slate.com (serves 4)
- 3 large unripe tomatoes, cut into ½-inch sliced rounds
- salt to taste
- 1/3 C. all-purpose flour
- 1-2 large eggs
- 1 cup fine breadcrumbs
- black pepper to taste
- garlic salt to taste
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil
- 1/2 stick (1/4 C.) butter
